If a man
does his best, what else is left
"It always seems impossible until it is
We are for--Employees
Satisfaction & Customer Delight |
Date |
News |
22-04-22 |
Meeting with GM(HR):
GS along with DGS, Sh D P S Chaudhary and
CS, Sh Sunil Kumar met GM(HR) on 22/4/22
and discussed following points:
1. Restructuring of Man power: GM(HR)
informed that final meeting of
restructuring committee is scheduled to
be held on Monday, 25th April.
2..Confirmation of 2019 batch AM(T). He
informed that there is some issue with
one officer of this batch so DPC members
are waiting clearance from Mumbai unit.
We have asked him to issue confirmation
orders of whole batch leaving one case
whose clearance is awaited for quite long
time and as and when this officer's
clearance is received he/she may be
confirmed. GM( HR) will try to convince
other DPC members for the same.
3. 5% fitment case reply to DoT.. He
assured to send the reply in 2/3 days.
4. Pending antidation cases.. Association
once again reminded and pressed him to
settle the long pending antidation cases.
22-04-22 |
Meeting With Jt Secretary,
Forum had given a agenda to Secretary,
DoT and sought appointment for
discussion. But because of busy schedule
of Secretary and Add Secretary, AS asked
Jt Secretary to discuss the agenda points
with Forum representatives.
GS MEA, Shri V K Tomar & GS, MTNL MS, Sh
Dharamraj Singh met DDG, ( PM) who is
looking after the charge of Jt Secretary
on 20th April, 2022 and discussed the
following points
1. Fate of MTNL employees in case MTNL
services are transferred to BSNL as per
proposal in cabinet note.
2. Implementation of 3rd PRC
3. Revision of pension of retired
employees and formation of pension fund
for MTNL recruited employees
4. Salary payment on time.
5. Counting casual service for pension.
6. 5% fitment of retired employees.
DDG(PM) who is looking after the charge
of JS has joined recently, so he was not
well aware of the issues so he asked
forum representatives to brief him in
detail about the issues raised in agenda.
Forum representatives made him aware of
the status of the issues. He was very
positive and discussed all the issues
with keen interest and asked
representatives to meet him after some
He informed that cabinet note for second
revival package is still under inter
-ministerial consultation. |
21-04-22 |
Meeting with Dir(T):
GS MEA com sh V K Tomar, Vice President
sh R S Maan, CS sh Sunil Kumar, AGS sh
Sunil Kumar Sonkar, President delhi Unit
sh Arun Dixit, met and welcomed New Dir(T),
BSNL/MTNL sh V Ramesh, in BSNL CO.
We apprised him with current situation of
MTNL's services, vendor payment, working
employees, etc. We told him that MTNL has
best officers, we are handling VVIP
customer day and night without resources.
He told early integration of network. We
told him to get absorb employees also
with network.
We request him to invest in MTNL network.
We held a detailed discussion for the
betterment of services.
He is very positive and hopeful that
Glorious days will come. And told that
Second revival package is in active
consideration of govt and communication
Ministry is very positive.
We assured him to give our full support
for the betterment of MTNL. |
20-04-22 |
GS along with other office bearers
attended SNEA CHQ Conference Open Session
at Vizag. GS sh V K Tomar ji addressed
the open session.

17-03-22 |
Forum of MTNL Unions and Associations
write letter to CMD and Secretary DOT
regarding deciding fate of MTNL
Employees, consequent to transfer of MTNL
services to BSNL.
<<letter>> |
10-03-22 |
Meeting with Dir (Fin)... GS, Sh V K
Tomar along with DGS, Sh D P S Chaudhary,
AGSs, Sh Satyavir Singh & Sh Sunil Sonkar
met Dir( Fin) Ms Yojna Das on 10 th March
in BSNL CO and discussed following
1. Salary Payment of MTNL employees of
Feb Month before Holi and to ensure
salary payment on due date every month
2. Creation of 30% corpus fund as assured
by CMD in this month
3.. Venders Payments
5..5% IDA fitment to retirees
6. Interest on delay payment of GPF to
7. GIES payment to Delhi Unit retired
8. Discrepancies in personal data of PF
accounts of working employees
9..Restructuring and promotions
particularly of finance wing
All issues were discussed in detail and
DF assured to look into all the issues
raised by Association. She also asked
Association to help in recovering the
pending bill payment from customer and
correcting the personal data of PF
accounts of employees. |
09-03-2022 |
Association's submitted its views/
suggestions on organizational
restructuring and manpower planning to
<<letter>> |
28-02-2022 |
Meeting with Director ( HR)... GS, Sh V K
Tomar along with DGS, Sh D P S Chaudhary,
CS, Sh,Sunil Kumar, AGS, Sh Sunil Sonkar
& JS, Sh Pawan Dixit met Director (HR) on
22-02-22 and discussed the organizational
restructuring and promotions of
executives. GM(HR) and DGM( HR) were also
present in the meeting.
1. MEA stressed that prime objective of
organizational restructuring should be,
to have hierarchal structure and its
manpower planning, which could help in
reviving business growth and enhance
quality of services and at the same time
it should increase productivity of
employees by motivating and meeting their
career aspiration.
2. MEA proposed
a) in view of 80% employees/ officers
reduction after VRS, post VRS left out
sanctioned post in all executive cadres
with 20% increase be filled up
immediately on regular basis by relaxing
RRs if required at any level
b) First functional Promotion on time
bound basis in all disciplines
immediately and formulation of time bound
promotion policy as per term and
conditions of absorption in MTNL.
c) All DGM Posts of all disciplines to be
filled up on regular basis by relaxing
RRs so that SM posts can be vacated for
Director HR said that after restructuring
committee comes out with its report
regarding number of posts in different
cadre, issues related with promotions
will be discussed and promotions be made.
He asked us to share our detailed
suggestions with the committee also. Our
written views will be sent to committee
and management in a day or two.
11-02-2022 |
Thousands numbers of employees
gathered and demonstrated in front of
BSNL CO, for early release of January
month's salary. They decided to continue
their agitation till payment of salary on
daily basis in front of respective GM
Unit. GS MEA Sh V K Tomar, CS Delhi Sh
Sunil Kumar and GS MTNLMS Sh Dharmraj ji
addressed the agitation.

09-02-2022 |
Forum of MTNL Union and Association
serves protest action notice to
management for the non payment of
January-2022 salary till date. All
executives with their subordinate are
requested to reach BSNL Corporate Office
at 12 PM positively on 11 Feb 2022 to
make lunch hour demonstration a grand
<<NOTICE>> |
28-01-2022 |
After long persuasion of MEA, MTNL CO
issued order regarding inclusion of
working spouse in OPD .
<<order>> |
28-01-2022 |
GS writes latter to CMD MTNL regarding
holding DPC immediately. And give
promotion from AM to DM and DM to SM in 8
21-12-2021 |
Meeting with Director-HR
MEA representatives had a meeting with
Dir- HR on 23 December 2021, and
discussed various HR issues. GM(HR) and
other HR wing officers were also present.
1- Status of MTNL/ BSNL merger:
DHR informed that land assets of MTNL
Delhi & Mumbai are being identified for
valuation to create SPV. This is being
processed very fast to ensure early
decision on SPV creation to pave way for
the merger of MTNL & BSNL. MEA expressed
concern regarding aggravating HR issues
and widening gap between MTNL & BSNL
executives’ position and pressed for
early resolution of all HR issues before
the merger and expressed deep anguish
over undue over delay in settlement of
various HR issues already raised by MEA
through various meetings, correspondences
and agitation programs.
2-- Abnormal delay in holding DPCs for
regular promotions in all cadres over all
MEA strongly conveyed anguish and
discontentment of officers of MTNL over
reluctant attitude of MTNL management
towards carrier prospects of officers and
delaying regular promotions on one or
other pretext which is also affecting the
performance of officers and company as a
whole. Stagnation and pending promotions
in Telecom, Fin, Elect, Civil, Mktg, HR &
Legal were also raised to DHR and
demanded immediate filling up of all
vacant posts in all executive cadres and
make the Time Bound Functional Promotion
Policy as was assured at the time of
absorption of officers from DoT into MTNL.
DHR was apprised that DMs/ SDEs are
waiting for their 2nd promotion for the
last 20 years and are Looking After SM
and DGM posts for the last many years.
It was strongly conveyed to DHR that
further delay in regular promotions in
all executive cadres, will compel MEA to
resort to protest action and may advise
officers to refuse Looking After
Promotions of HR/ Mktg/ Legal streams--
issue was specifically discussed keeping
in mind that there is no such stream in
BSNL and that may become a contentious
issue after merger so some decision (of
merger or otherwise) of these streams is
required and 1st promotion of all left
out officers to be ensured before the
merger. MEA suggested some options for
these streams. Regarding AM(Fin) to
DM(Fin) & AM (Elect) to DM pending
orders, DHR was apprised that 2005/08/09
batch officers are still waiting for
their 1st promotion and pressed for their
immediate promotions.
DHR acknowledged all the concerns and
asked HR Team to come up with the details
of pending promotions, seniority list,
vacancies etc in all executive cadres in
a week's time so that matters may be
analyzed and discussed further with CMD
to proceed ahead. DHR assured to raise
the issue to CMD and take further action
3-- 30% corpus:
This issue is being processed.
4. Including working spouse in MTNL OPD
scheme This issue is in process.
5. Antidation of promotion date:
MEA informed that ignoring this issue for
such a long time despite several
assurances in previous meetings is
frustrating for affected executives and
that no action has been taken so far. DHR
again asked HR team to put up these
6. Issues related to HR integration in
case of MTNL/ BSNL merger:
DHR stated that he has gone through
various documents and reports of earlier
committees formed for HR integrations and
does not find the necessity of any deep
digging for framing the issues. DHR
supported the view of MEA to resolve HR
issues of MTNL executives before the
merger. |
07-12-2021 |
Forum Meeting with CMD MTNL
CMD called meeting of MTNL Forum
representatives on 7th Dec, 2021 in BSNL,
CO to discuss the issues raised by forum
through protest notice. Dir ( HR), ED,
Delhi, GM(HR) were also present in the
meeting. ED, Mumbai, GM(A), Mumbai and
Association / Union representatives of
Mumbai were on video conferencing.
CMD briefed the progress on all the
1. Pay/ wage revision-- 3rd PRC report of
executives accepted by govt and conveyed
through DPE OM has already been
recommended by MTNL board and sent to DoT.
For Wage revision of non executives, MTNL
has written to DoT for allowing wage
revision negotiation by constituting wage
revision committee. Immediately after
approval from DOT, wage revision
Committee will be formed. efforts will be
made to get affordability clause relaxed
from Cabinet through DOT/ Ministry
2.Pension revision by delinking with pay
revision-- CMD said that management is in
support of this demand of Forum and
pursuing with DoT, and issue is in active
consideration at DoT level.
3. Formation of corpus for pension fund
under 30% corpus.. CMD again assured that
fund will be created in this financial
4. Counting of casual service for pension
-- CMD said that this issue pertain to
DoT but MTNL management will will do all
possible efforts to resolve it.
4.Holding formal meetings with recognised
Unions-- CMD asked Director (HR) to
prepare a schedule for formal meetings
5. Merger of MTNL and BSNL-- CMD informed
that issue of transferring loan liability
and assets to SPV is being discussed in
finance ministry and there are positive
indications regarding merger of MTNL with
BSNL so issues on HR integration are to
be flagged.
From Forum side, GS, MEA and Chairman
Forum, Sh V K Tomar, GS, MTNL MS and
Convenor Forum Sh Dharamraj Singh,
President MTNL MS, Sh Mahavir Singh, SG,
ITEF Sh Ratnesh Kumar, DGS, MEA Sh D P S
Chaudhary, CS Delhi Sh Suil Kumar, MTNMS,
Sh Askok Kumar participated in the
meeting. President MEA, Sh P N Vasane,
AGS, Shri S S Shette, ACS, Mumbai Shri S
N Pandit and Shri Newson Kumar, CWC
attended meeting from Mumbai on Video
Conferencing along with other
representatives of Union/ Association.
Meeting ended with positive note |
27-11-2021 |
Meeting with CMD, MTNL:
Yesterday ie on 26th Nov 2021, CMD, MTNL
Sh P K Purwar called Forum
representatives to discuss the issues
raised by forum through its protest
action notice. Dir (HR) Sh Arvind
Vadnekar and GM(HR) Sh Sandeep Kasker
were also present in the meeting.
Following issues were discussed.
Pay revision--CMD
quoted affordability clause of DPE OM
regarding pay revision of Executives and
said that without getting this clause
relaxed, pay revision can not be done for
executives and non executives. So the
Ministry will have to take it to the
cabinet for relaxation. But he agreed to
start the process of formation of a wage
revision committee for non executives in
MTNL , for which a letter has been
written to DOT to seek permission for the
same. Forum mentioned that majority of
staff of MTNL and BSNL was not born in
these companies but was recruited by DOT
and transferred/ absorbed in these MTNL/BSNL,
and now these companies have been
categorized as strategically important
for the govt by the cabinet while
approving the revival package in 2019, so
on these grounds , relaxation in
affordability clause can be sought from
cabinet. CMD acknowledged that these are
the logical points which will be taken up
by the management with DOT in support of
relaxation in affordability clause.
Pension revision--Forum
raised that Pension revision should be
de-linked with pay revision and be
revised as per 7th CPC. CMD said he
supports the demand of de-linking pension
revision from pay revision, but DOT has
taken a stand to link pension revision
with pay revision. He also informed that
a detailed discussion was held in DoT
recently on this issue and he is going to
provide the detailed supporting documents
and facts to delink the pension revision
with pay revision.
Pension Fund under 30% corpus--After
a detailed discussion, CMD agreed that
pension fund under 30% corpus will be
created in this financial year, most
probably with in two months.
Counting of casual service for the
purpose of pension--CMD
assured that he will go through the case
and try to help to get this issue agreed
in DOT.
Merger of MTNL/BSNL--
CMD maintained that merger can be done
only after making MTNL loan free company.
He informed that he had a meeting with
the finance Secretary to form a SPV
(special purpose vehicle) to park the
loan liability of MTNL and this was
supported by Secretary DOT.
IDA arrear payment of non executives- CMD
assured orders will be issued next week.
Promotion of Executives--CMD
informed that restructuring in BSNL has
been completed and Dir (HR) has been
asked to decide the restructuring of MTNL
in the backdrop of BSNL restructuring
within the December month . This issue
will be discussed with the Association
> GS, MTNLMS pressed for holding formal
meeting/ JNC on all pending issues.
Following forum representatives
participated in the meeting
GS, MEA, Sh V K Tomar, GS MTNLMS, Sh
Dharamraj Singh, SG, ITEF, Sh Ratnesh
Kumar, AGS, MEA Sh Satyavir Singh, CS,
MEA Sh Sunil Kumar & Sh Ashok Kumar, MTNL
MS. |
25-11-2021 |
फोरम ऑफ MTNL यूनियन एशोसिएशन के कर्मचारियों
ने देखिये अपनी किन मांगो को लेकर किया धरना
तीसरी पीआरसी, वेज रिवीजन लागू करवाने,
पेंशन के लाभ के लिए कैजुअल सेवाकाल को
जोडऩे, एमटीएनएल-बीएसएनएल के रिवाईवल एवं
सर्वाईवल के लिए दोनों कंपनियों के शीघ्र
विलय और हर महीने समय पर तनख्वाह जैसी मांगों
को लेकर आज एमटीएनएल कर्मचारियों ने
एमटीएनएल/बीएसएनएल के सीएमडी कार्यालय पर
विशाल धरना, प्रदर्षन किया गया।
फोरम के चेयरमैन वीके तोमर ने कहा
कि सरकार डेपूटेशन पर आए अधिकारियों को
7वें वेतन आयोग के मुताबिक लाभ दे रही है
लेकिन दूरसंचार विभाग से एमटीएनएल में आए
लोगों को जनवरी 2017 से देय तीसरी पीआरसी,
वेज रिवीजन का लाभ देने को तैयार नहीं है।
दिवाली पर वेतन तक नहीं दिया जिससे उनके
परिवार को काली दिवाली मनानी पड़ी।
<<news>> |
22-10-2021 |
Meeting with Director (HR&EB) on
22.10.202 in Board Room, MTNL CO,
Dir(HR) & GM(HR) were present.
MEA Represented by, Shri V K Tomar
General Secy, Shri PN Vasane CHQ
President, Shri Sunil Kumar_CS Delhi,
Shri DPS Choudhary, Dy GS, Shri R S Maan
VP, Shri S S Shete AGS, Sri Sunil Sonkar
AGS, Shri Shailendra Tripathi, CHQ
Treasurer, Sh Brijesh Sharma, OS, Delhi
Following pending HR issues were
1. Immediate holding of DPCs in all
cadres pending for three years:
MEA stated that delay in holding DPCs is
unreasonable & uncalled for. It is
causing frustration and demotivation
among executives, who are already placed
in higher grades and also made to look
after senior positions without regular
status. MEA is raising this issue since
last quarter of 2019 and pressing hard
since VRS. Adhocism is causing company
dearly for lack of authority and
Dir (HR) stated that BSNL Board is going
to approve BSNL’s organisational
restructuring in today’s Board meeting
and same process shall be done in MTNL.
We hope to finish it by November end and
DPC can be planned thereafter. He also
stated that all posts of VRS and those
retiring within two years of VRS have
been abolished, but further post
reduction shall be done as per actual
requirement, so some 10% more than
existing working strength are likely to
be considered.
MEA resisted on this issue as only VRS
post are to be abolished and pressed for
immediate promotion on all vacant post,
restructuring may be done thereafter. MEA
representative indicated this as
deceitful move, as much as almost all
executives are working on above AM posts,
while restructuring is likely to sanction
highest number of posts in lowest ie AM
cadre which may be detrimental for
promotional prospects of existing
executives. Stand of Management to hold
DPCs after restructuring is well stated
and nothing has been done to move ahead
on the issue. MEA suggested to call for
screening report (preparatory work) side
by side of all eligible so as to save
time. DPC may be held immediately. Dir
(HR) asked MEA to submit its proposal on
its concerns on the restructuring issue.
2. 30% Superannuation Welfare Corpus:
MEA stated that this is the most
legitimate issue for MTNL recruits and
pending as a part of 2nd PRC, moreover it
concerns to social security for younger
It can’t be ignored any longer. CMD has
already agreed in principle but % of
contribution. MEA stated that to start
with, let management constitute the
corpus with an appropriate % of
contribution in line with BSNL. After all
merger of both companies is ultimate.
3. Enhancement in IPD medical limit:
Dir (HR) was explained progress and
discussion so far that CMD has agreed in
past for top up of IPD limit for existing
Indoor medical policy, but further action
is not taken so far. Dir(HR) assured to
look into.
4. Inclusion of working spouse in Medical
OPD scheme:
MEA asked Dir(HR) to correct an erroneous
decision in this matter by including
working spouse as per standard ruling.
With maximum limit already fixed, so this
should be considered in right spirit.
Dir(HR) was also convinced and assured to
look into.
5. Increase in Transport Allowance &
Children Education Allowance:
MEA highlighted increased expenses on
these matters and asked to raise the
allowances to makeup high cost. Dir (HR)
expressed that there is no likely outcome
till financial conditions are poor.
6. Cases of antedating promotion pending
for a long:
MEA reminded overdue pendency of
legitimate cases of antedating promotion
as per rules. Dir (HR) asked GM(HR) to
initiate action on these issues.
7.HBA to MTNL employees-
MEA raised this issue and informed Dir(HR)
that HBA has been stopped in MTNL while
BSNL is making HBA available to its
employees. MEA demanded HBA be restored
to its employees also.
8..issues related to MTNL services, field
problems, pending payments of vendors etc
were also discussed |
21-10-2021 |
Forum serves protest action notice to
CMD MTNL for the following issues:
1. 3rd PRC
2. revision of pension
3. 30% corpus
4. merger with BSNL
<<notice>> |
21-10-2020 |
Meeting with CMD:
Forum representatives, Sh V K Tomar, GS,
MEA, Shri Dharamraj Singh ,GS BMS , Shri
Sunil Kumar, CS Delhi & Shri Pawan Dixit,
Joint Secretary, MEA met CMD Shri P K
Purwar on 21-10-2021 in BSNL CO and
discussed following issues.
MTNL Revival & Future Roadmap:
Forum leaders expressed their concern on
the present state of affairs in MTNL. CMD
shared that present state of MTNL is very
critical and to improve the situation
intervention of GOI is must now, without
this it will be difficult to survive for
a few months. He is proposing/pursuing
GOI to take decision to park loan
liability and assets in a SPV for long
term survival, and till the decision on
the same is taken and implemented
sovereign guarantee for loan to run the
.He is also suggesting merger of MTNL
with BSNL after delisting and resolving
HR issues once loan/liability issue
resolved. He said that , Since the New
Minister and Secretary, DOT took the
charge, a positive and solution
oriented approach is seen. Several
discussions/Presentations held In DOT and
finance ministry for MTNL/BSNL revival,
particularly regarding MTNL debt issue .
He hopes for some positive outcome from
GOI in this year only and its
implementation in the 1st Quarter of next
Salary payment Issue: CMD
said the financial state of MTNL is very
critical, MTNL has to make a loan
repayment in mid of Next month to avoid
default. Hence salary may get delayed due
to this.cForum Leader emphasized to
ensure salary payment before diwali,
asked to raise issue in DOT if required.
CMD said he is trying his best on this.
Promotion Issue:
CMD said DPC will be done after
restructuring activity is completed. BSNL
Board is going to take a decision
on restructuring this week only. He also
instructed MTNL HR team to start working
on the similar line, complete the same in
a month's time. He is also considering
minor changes in a promotion policy in
this restructuring exercise to ensure Ist
promotion in certain years if one does
not get Ist promotion ( AM to DM) in
these years through competitive or SCF
quota as per existing promotion policy.
he/she will be promoted out rightly.
30% Superannuation issue:
Forum raised this issue and reminded that
he had principally agreed in past to
resolve the same. To this CMD expressed
his inability to raise any expenditure at
this point of time. Forum leader said
this issue is the most legitimate and
pendency of 2nd PRC and moreover it is a
question of social security of MTNL
recruits. Sudden demise of two Young
officers in the last few days and many
more in the last few years, the pain of
the families' of officers who are
without any social security cover cannot
be ignored by Management. This issue
needs to be addressed on an urgent basis
when the financial burden is not much.
Forum requested at least to create a
Corpus in line with BSNL with a smaller
amount which can be raised at a later
Enhancement in IPD insurence limit:
Top up In IPD limit of existing Indoor
medical policy discussed, CMD assured to
look into it.
IDA issue & Pension Revision:
IDA issue of non executive also
discussed. Regarding Executives's
revision IDA issue CMD assured that same
will be considered once DPE order is
Issue of East & TY:
Issue related to this area has been
discussed in detail, CMD said he is aware
of the issue and his office is
intervening to improve the situation. |
14-10-2021 |
GS MEA, CS Delhi, Dharamraj singh GS MTNL
mazdoor Sangh met secretary DOT and
discussed MTNL/ BSNL merger, 3rd PRC,
MTNL services etc.
12-10-2021 |
Meeting with Dir(HR)...GS, MEA Sh
V K Tomar, DGS, Sh D P S Chaudhary, V P
Sh R S Maan, AGS, Sh Satyavir Singh & Sh
Sunil Sonkar and CS, Delhi Sh Sunil Kumar
met Dir ( HR) Sh Arvind Vadnerkar on 12th
Oct and discussed following issues.
1..Pending DPCs for regular promotion in
Exe Cadres..a detailed discussion was
held in the back ground of VRS and post
VRS restructuring . Association stressed
on filling all vacant posts in all cadres
immediately by holding DPCs as per
prevailing RRs. Dir( HR) was positive in
his approach and assured to take up this
issue to find the way for early DPC.
2. 3rd PRC implimentation ..
Issue was discussed in length but matter
is further to be taken up at Secretary
and Minister level.
3. 30% corpus..Association apprised him
of the delay in settlement inspite of
Principal agreement of MTNL management to
resolve this issue.
Other issues could not be discussed
because of paucity of time. Remaining
issues and progress in DPC matter will be
further discussed. |
07-10-2021 |
Meeting with Joint Secy. (A) & Member
( Fin.), DOT.
Shri V K Tomar, GS,MEA , Shri Dharamraj
Singh, GS, MTNLMS, Sh. S. S. Nanda, G/S
RTOWA and Sh. R. K. Mudgal, AGS RTOWA met
with JSA on 4th Oct to request him to
process the issue of 5 % IDA
neutralization of retirees with new
Secretary (T). He told that presently he
is not in the loop in the said case. Now,
it is being handled directly at the
levels of DDG(Estt)., MS, MF & Secy. (T).
Further he told that the issue is being
moved with positive remarks from all the
concerned levels. He assured that if the
said case file is routed through his
office then definitely he will take care
of the issue.
Revival road map of MTNL and employees
future prospects . He said Govt wants to
get MTNL revived and merged with BSNL
after shedding loan liability through
assets monetization, so DoT is
concentrating on improving MTNL services
and assets monetization . No other
options are being discussed as of now. He
asked us to get employees, particularly
officers, sensitized to improve the
services. He mentioned few complaints of
the officers not dealing customers
properly . We again apprised him of the
field officers problems and other issues
related to staff and vendors. He asked us
to discuss these issues with new Dir (T)
Association representatives met Member (
Fin) also and congratulated him for his
new assignment .While appreciating his
co-operation and support in long pending
issue of 5 % IDA neutralization of
retirees during his stint as Adviser(Fin),
he was requested to expedite the case for
early settlement . He said that he was
very much aware of the issue and would
brief the new Secretary (T) for early
MTNL's deteriorating financial condition
was also apprised to him and requested to
do some thing for its revival.
07-10-2021 |
GS writes letter to DIR(HR), MTNL
regarding pending HR issues like
enhancing IPD limit, Regular DPCs, 30%
corpus, Transport allowance, CEA, SC/ST
quota in promotions., etc
<<letter>> |
07-10-2021 |
GS writes letter to CMD MTNL to get
clarification from CBDT for perquisite
<<letter>> |
23-09-2021 |
Meeting with Honble Minister of
Communication & IT and Railways Shri
Ashwani Vaishnav-
Today , (20-09-2021) representatives
of MEA, MTNL MS & ITTF met Honble
Minister at Rail Bhawan.Following issues
were discussed in detail
1..MTNL/ BSNL revival
2. 3rd PRC implimentation in MTNL/ BSNL
3.Pension revision/ 5%IDA of retirees
4. Internal reform/ motivation of
5. 4G spectrum etc
In a 40 minutes meeting, Honble Minister
was briefed about all the issues and
suggestions were given . Honble Minister
gave patient hearing and said that
clearing balance sheets of MTNL/ BSNL and
starting 4G services are the key issues
to address all problems. Honble Minister
was very positive in the discussion. We
presented memorandum on all the issues.
GS, MEA, Sh V K Tomar, GS, MTNL MS, Shri
Dharamraj Singh, President ITTF, Shri
Ratnesh Kumar, DGS, MEA Shri D P S
Chaudhary and othes participated in the

18-09-2021 |
Big Achievement!
After a long persuasion with MTNL
Management and Income tax department.
Income tax office issued clarification
regarding No perquisite tax who residing
in staff qtrs.
<<<letter>>> |
17-09-09 |

NGC of NCOA was held on 12 Sep 2021 at
MTNL Auditorium, CGO Lodhi Road, New
Delhi. Congratulations to all newly
elected office bearers for next term of
Let us be united and ready to fight for
our legitimate rights of Pay revision,
pension & DA etc.
<<<photos>>> |
11-08-2021 |
After a long persuasion with MTNL
Management, MTNL CO issued order regarding
enhancement of OPD limit.
<<order>> |
01-08-2021 |
Devusinh Chauhan (@devusinh) Tweeted:
Interacted with representatives of Unions
& Assciations of MTNL.
They were explained the vision of Honble
PM shri Narendra Modi ji behind
historical revival package given for MTNL.
They assured all possible efforts to make
MTNL best operator again.
https://t.co/sRwJ8XQsDk https://twitter.com/devusinh/status/1421433379245858816?s=20 |
01-08-2021 |
Meeting with Hon'ble
Minister of State for Communication & IT:
Honb'le Minister of State, Shri
Devusinh Chauhan visited MTNL CO. CMD,
Shri P K Purwar gave presentation on
MTNL's financial & operational status and
way forward for its revival. After CMD's
presentation, meeting of MEA and MTNL MS
representatives with honb'le Minister was
held. We welcomed and thanked him for his
visit, review meeting and opportunity
given to us to place our views on various
We raised issues related to MTNL revival
and employees welfare like, job
protection in this scenario of
uncertainty, merger of MTNL and BSNL,
implementation of 3rd PRC, pension
revision, motivation of staff etc. and
also highlighted how the MTNL staff is
maintaining services in spite of shortage
of resources.
And a memorandum on various issues was
also submitted to Honble Minister by GS,
MEA and GS, MTNL Mazdoor Sangh.
CMD, Dir (HR), ED, Delhi, GM(HR) and
other officers who accompanied Hon'ble
Minister were also present.

16-07-2021 |
Meeting with Addl Secretary, DOT-
GS, MEA Shri V K Tomar & GS, MTNL MS
Shri Dharamraj Singh met AST & JST on
15-07-2021 and discussed following
issues-. Jt Secretary (A) and Dir(
Project/MTNL), DoT were also present in
the meeting.
1. MTNL revival–Forum representatives
expressed their deep concern over the
surrounding around the future prospects
of MTNL and its Employees in view of non
implementation of revival package except
retrenchment of employees through VRS. It
was stressed that MTNL revival was
envisaged through three basic components
of revival package (i) reducing staff
cost through VRS, (ii) Discharge of debt
liability through proceeds of
monetization and (iii) merger with BSNL.
But, owing to lack of Govt’s initiatives
in granting requisite permission on each
land parcel, land monetization has become
hard nut to crack while merger has been
deferred indefinitely by PMO. So the fate
of MTNL and its Employees is hanging in
uncertainty. To add further worries, MTNL
copper wire services are on the verge of
collapsing because of lack of planning
and management initiatives. On other
hand, no efforts are being made to expand
the promising FTTH services, which only
could give a fresh lease of life to MTNL.
Representatives also expressed concerns
about the logic behind and thinking of
DOT to transfer MTNL’s WS, FTTH and other
premier services and entrusting the
official responsibility of MTNL
management to BSNL’s functionaries when
merger itself is being denied. Forum
desired clarification from AST whether
DOT has planned MTNL Revival through
merger with BSNL as per revival package,
or as a separate entity, and asked for
protection of employees’ interests in any
case. AST said that MTNL can’t be revived
as a separate entity, so DOT has planned
MTNL revival ultimately through merger
with BSNL only, but merger has been
deferred because of delay in land
monetization and pending discharge of
loan liability. She said MTNL
management has been given to BSNL board
after due consideration to bring
operational synergy before actual merger
has to take place. She said BSNL can’t
take over MTNL operations immediately so
it is working on VON pattern.
She also said that DOT is closely
monitoring the revival process of MTNL
and doing it’s best to get land
monetization as early as possible. AST
was having the wrong impression and
adverse feedback that MTNL officers are
not working
sincerely and properly and that officers
are not even attending phone calls. GS
strongly argued in defense and briefed
her about heaps of field problems and
failure of management to provide bare
minimum Man and Material resources and
that vendor & and their staff are not
listening to concerned field officers.
She asked Forum representatives to sit
with MTNL management and
short out all these issues and leave the
DOT for bigger issues of land
monetization and arranging funds for MTNL.
She also appealed forum representatives
to improve MTNL services
2. Staff issues—Issues like delay in
promotions, non-settlement of social
welfare issues, interest on delayed
payment of GPF/CPF were also brought to
her knowledge and requested to intervene
3. 5% IDA fitment to retired employees
who retired before 01-01-2018: issue was
briefed to her that 5% IDA fitment issue
is pending for last two years and now all
clarifications/ objections/ clarity on
fund liabilities have been clarified and
settled by Finance and Establishment
wings and now only Secretary’s approval
is required. She was requested to get
this long pending case settled at the
earliest. AST and JST said that they are
seized of this case and will do needful.
RTOWA is strong supporter of Forum, but
because of restriction of DoT to allow
two representatives only in view of covid
, we could not take thier representative
to meeting.
07-07-2021 |
- 2021.
<<ORDER>> |
17-05-2021 |
Today Association representative met with
ED Delhi and discussed the following
1. Early implementation of new man power
based tender for Areas--- ED told that
tender will be finalized shortly but it
will be for 3 months and extendable for
next three months. In this period new SLA
based tender will be finalized.
2. FTTH Policy --- ED told that revised
FTTH Policy have been finalized with
business partner and as per new policy
business partner will be shared 45 %
revenue for those connection in which
they will laid cable from MTNL last fibre
to their OLT and upto customer premises,
30% in which MTNL will lay cable upto
their OLT , 10% for maintenance of MTNL
existing installed FTTH and Rs 1500/ for
installation of MTNL new FTTH connection.
3. Giving look after promotion to left
out AM marketing---ED assured to give LA
after seeing their eligibility.
4. Representation of of SC/ST Executives
in DGM LA Promotion----ED assured to take
decision in this matter after discussion
with corporate office.
5. E4 to E5 pending time bound
upgradation- ED told that GM( A) has
already sent the file to CO for getting
approval for conducting time bound
upgradation DPC quarterly. DPC will be
conducted immediately after getting
approval from CO.
6. Worst condition of services in all
Delhi and specially in East & TY - ED
told that yesterday there was a meeting
with CMD for improvement of services .
Some decision will be taken shortly in
this regard.
Some other issues also discussed during
the two hour long meeting . ED also asked
association and all executives to support
in improvement of services by making best
efforts with in available resources. |
15-06-2021 |
MTNL CO issue order regarding Group
Health Insurance Scheme.
<<order>> |
10-06-2021 |
Meetings with CMD & Dir(HR)
Today we the Forum representatives met
Dir (HR) during our dharna programme at 1
PM and submitted memorandum on our demand
of enhancement in the amount of sum
insured in Medical Insurence Policy for
indoor treatment and removal of 2008 pay
scales cap for outdoor treatment.
He assured to put up our demand to CMD
for his consideration.
At 6 PM we met
CMD.. had a detailed discussion on
medical issues, MTNL revival and other
issues .
After detailed discussion, CMD agreed to
revisit IPD and OPD medical schemes and
assured to work out and take appropriate
steps shortly in this direction.
Thanks to all for making Forum call
31-05-2021 |
FORUM of MTNL Unions and Associations
servers protest Action Notice
to Secy DOT, CMD MTNL to increase IPD and
OPD limit and other issues.
<<Notice>> |
31-05-2021 |
FORUM of MTNL Unions and Associations
gives acceptance
to CMD MTNL to provide
compensation to COVID affected employees.
<<letter>> |
25-05-2021 |
GS writes letter to CMD to increase
the IPD limit to Rs 10 lakhs.
<<letter>> |
12-05-2021 |
FORUM of MTNL Unions and Associations writes
to Secy DOT, CMD MTNL regarding
compensation to COVID affected employees.
<<<<letter>>>> |
05-05-2021 |
GS writes to Secy DOT, CMD MTNL regarding COVID
safety measures, COVID isolation centers,
full payment of CORONA expenses,
compensation etc.
FORUM of MTNL Unions and Associations writes
to Secy DOT, CMD MTNL regarding COVID
safety measures, COVID isolation centers,
full payment of CORONA expenses,
compensation etc.
<<letter> |
24-04-2021 |
GS writes CMD, MTNL regarding COVID
safety measures, COVID isolation centers,
full payment of CORONA medical
expenditures, Work from home, etc on
urgent basis.
<<<<covidsafety.pdf>>>> |
21-04-2021 |
On 21 April, 2021, GS had a discussion
with CMD regarding dangerous situation of
corona virus spread and shortage of beds
and oxygen in Hospitals. CMD showed
utmost concern and said that he is ready
to make funds available for saving the
employees during this grave situation and
sought help of Association to co-operate
management in arranging space, beds,
oxygen cylinder, doctor, nurse etc. He
suggested, vacant space of MTNL can be
used for isolation center and doctor/
nurses can be hired from hospital or
employees' wards who are in this
profession, they will be paid by
management. These isolation centers can
be linked with any hospital for guidance
and treatment in serious cases. |
22-03-2021 |
Meeting with CMD on issues raised by
Forum-- ON 22-03-21, meeting was held in
committee room, CO which was chaired by
CMD, Sh P K Purwar. Dir (HR), Dir (Fin),
PGM(HR), ED, Delhi, ED, Mumbai, GM(Fin),
Delhi, GM(A) Mumbai were also present in
the meeting.
Discussion/ decisions on following
issues were held in a very cordial
Strategy/ road map on MTNL revival and
intention of Govt in this regard...
CMD clarified that there is no intention
of the govt to close or disinvest MTNL,
rather Govt wants to run MTNL/BSNL, but
no further financial support will be
given by govt., So we have to manage
every thing from our resources. CMD
further said that MTNL is EBITA positive
operationally viable company which can
also be merged with BSNL if govt takes
its loan liability through SPV. But he
said that for now, MTNL is going to be a
separate company of different segments of
wire line services ,and management wants
to run it.
Forum raised the issues related to poor
management, resource crunch and SLA
problems and said that it is not possible
to run the company for a long with these
conditions. After a detailed discussion,
it was decided that a comprehensive
discussion will be held between
management and Associations/ Unions in
first week of April in Delhi and 2nd week
of April in Mumbai exclusively on
improving the services and revenue.
Timely payment of salary.. CMD
said that the delay in past one month
salary has already been explained to the
forum and it is not going to repeat.
There is no intention for deliberate
delay in salary payment.
Regular Promotions in all cadres..
a detailed discussion was held and we
demanded the time bound commitment from
management. CMD assured to review the
process of restructuring to make it
faster and come out with a solution by
30th March so that DPC time line can be
Creation of 30% Corpus--CMD
assured that he will do but could not
tell time line. Matter will be
deliberated further
EPF withdrawal by working employees-
CMD informed that with the efforts of
Forum and management, EPFO has opened the
individual accounts and amount
transferred in these accounts. Employees
now can withdraw amount from their
EPF payment of retired employees-
He briefed about the efforts being made
by management to liquidate the
instruments and assured that 50 crore out
of 385 crore will be made shortly and for
rest of the amount efforts are being made
at ministry level also.
Provisional retirement cases matter will
be taken up in the next board meeting and
cases will be settled accordingly.
5% fitment to retired employees Matter is
pending with DoT. CMD asked Dir (Fin)/Pr
CCA Delhi to pursue the case in DoT and
get expedited.
Other Sectional Employees issues CMD
instructed concerned officers to put up
the cases and assured positive action on
these matters
For remaining HR issues raised by forum,
CMD authorized Dir (HR) to discuss with
forum representatives and decide.
For other major issues, like pay and
perks revision, OPD and IPD limit
enhancement etc, another meeting will be
CMD was positive in discussion on issues
related to MTNL revival and staff issues.
Let us hope for positive things in coming
Forum representatives of Delhi and
Mumbai Unions and Associations attended
the meeting. Forum Chairman & GS, MEA, Sh
V K Tomar, Convener & GS, MTNL MS, Sh
Dharamraj Singh, President, MTNL MS, Sh
Mahavir Singh, AGSs MEA, Sh Satyavir
Singh, Sh Sunil Sonkar, & CS Delhi, Sh
Sunil Kumar from Delhi and Sh S S Shette,
AGS & Sh S N Pandit, Jt CS Mumbai
attended meeting from Mumbai on Video
Conferencing. Kamgar Sangh/OA
representatives from Mumbai also attended
meeting on Video Conferencing.
Meeting ended with positive and cordial
15-03-2021 |
Meeting with PGM(HR)---Met PGM(HR)
along with AGS, Shri Satyavir Singh, Vice
President, Shri R S Maan on 11 March and
had a discussion on following issues
1..Regular DPC in all executive Cadres
2--Consideration of SC/ST officers for
DGM promotion
3--Pending Cases of antidation
4--Promotion of Civil/ Elect Diploma
holder officers to EE
5--Clarification of EL encashment on
technical resignation. |
12-03-2021 |
FORUM of MTNL Unions and Associations
Protest Notice to cue the management for
business revival and safeguard the
employees’ interest in present turmoil
state of MTNL.
Put in place, strategy and action plan
for business growth & revival.
2. Hold talks with this Forum
to expedite required actions to safe
guard employees’ interest in present
turmoil state of company.
3. Clear clouds on employee’s status in
wake of business integration/sharing with
4 . Transfer of non-performing
deputations Govt officers.
5. Post absorbed
MTNL Officer on key posts of company.
Working Employees Issues:
1. Ensure the salary disbursed every
month in time.
2.Releasing of freeze IDA to
Non-Executives employees/retired
3. Implementation of 3rd PRC / Wage
4. Revision of perks and allowances.
5. Timely payment of GPF/CPF advance
/final withdrawal.
6. Counting of Casual Service for
pensionery benefits.
7. Counting training period for drawing
increment .
8. Cadre restructuring of all cadres.
9. Enhancement in amount of Medical
Policy (Indoor).
10. Removal of 2008 scale ceiling on
outdoor medical (OPD) expenses.
11. Hold all DPCs for promotions
12. Hand over MTNL GPF Trust to DOT (CCA)
as per BSNL.
13.Form corpus for post retirement
benefits as per 2nd PRC recommendations.
14. Implementation of JNC / ULC decision
in true spirit.
15. Implementation of Hindi Translator
Promotion Policy according to M. K.
Saxena committee report.
16. Removal of Double condition in up
gradation from NE-09 to 10 and NE-11 as
per Hon’ble High Court Delhi order.
17. Withdrawal of MTNL Corporate office
clarification dated 12th July, 2017 for
up gradation from NE-10 to NE-11.
18. Counting of Notional period for up
gradation in restructured cadre of Sr.TOA
and implement the corporate office order
dated 2001 in true sprit.
19. Fill up the SCF quota for the post of
20. Settle long pending antidation cases
21. Start House building advance .
Retired Employees issues:
1. Immediate release of CPF amount with
2. Implement the corporate office order
dated for payment of interest on abnormal
delay in payment of GPF.
3. Pay interest on delay payment of
Gratuity according to gratuity act.
4. Immediate release of refund of CGHS
card deposit and CGEIS amount.
5. Immediate issue pending promotion
order prior to 31-01-2020 of VRS optees
and settle their fixation and all dues
6. Immediate settlement of Provisional
Retirement Cases according to DOPT order.
7. Release of gratuity for service
rendered in DOT to the employees who have
less than ten years of regular service.
8. Implement of 5% IDA merger benefit to
the pre 2018 retirees.
9. Revision of Pension as per CPC.
10. Issue LPC to all VRS CPF optees for
making CGHS card according to their ward
11. Immediate stop the recovery from
salary/retrial benefit of Lorry drivers
in context of wrong fixation and refund
the recovered amount.
Agitation/Protest Action Programme
to 20.03.2021 |
To hold lunch hour general body
meeting in all offices of MTNL.
25.03.2021 |
Day long dharna at respective ED
office Delhi/Mumbai and Lunch Hour
demonstration at front of CMD office
BSNL/MTNL New Delhi. |
08.04.2021 |
Satyagrah at SANCHAR BHAWAN |
All executives are requested to ensure
100% participation in all the programmes
as above.
08-03-2010 |
All executives are requested to attend
this virtual meeting in large number to
get your queries clarified before getting
enrolled in this term insurance policy
and get enrolled. After a long persuasion
of Association, management made this
policy available. This is official
meeting approved by PGM(HR).
Meenu Ahuja is inviting you to a
scheduled Zoom meeting.
Time: Mar 9, 2021 12:00 PM Mumbai,
Kolkata, New Delhi
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 527 376 2265
Passcode: 1LEUBH |
04-03-2021 |
MEA DELHI CIRCLE has organized General
Body Meetings in different Areas. General
Secretary, Circle Secretary and other
Office bearers attended the meetings.
Association has taken feedback from
executives regarding services, day to day
problems, etc. GS and CS reply all the
queries raised by executives, i.e.
revival of MTNL, future of employees, 30%
corpus, 3rd PRC, promotions, CPF
withdrawal, EPFO higher pension, OPD and
IPD limit enhancement, CEA and TPT
allowances, Deputation for all
executives, etc.
<<photos>> |
04-03-2021 |
ED Delhi called CR for financial
upgradation of 2005 batch, HR and
Marketing stream.
<<order>> |
04-03-2021 |
GS writes letter to CMD, MTNL regarding
sealing of EL Encashment of DRs.
GS writes letter to CMD, MTNL regarding
delay in regular promotions of
<<letter>> |
26-02-2021 |
Meeting with Dir ( HR) & Regional EPF
Commissioner related to opening of EPF
accounts in EPFO:
GS, MEA Sh V K Tomar and GS, MMS, Shri
Dharamraj Singh met Dir(HR) on 24 th Feb
and discussed the issue of immediate
opening of individual EPF accounts in
EPFO so that needy employees/ officers
can withdraw epf for thier requirement.
He was informed that KYC approval is
pending in CO. He assured that KYC
approval will be completed in 10 days and
he asked representatives to pursue with
EPFO for opening the EPF accounts.
Both the General Secretaries met Regional
EPF Commissioner on 25th Feb and
discussed the issue of EPF account
opening of both working and retired
employees in length. He informed that
still there are some discrepancies in
some cases and some more information is
awaited from MTNL. EPF Commissioner and
other concerned officers talked to Dir
(HR) and other concerned officer of MTNL
during meeting itself and information
required by EPFO were asked from MTNL
After one hour meeting, EPF commissioner
assured that EPF accounts of working
employees of MTNL will be opened by 15th
March 2021.
Regarding retired employees EPF payment,
Dir (HR) said about Rs 150 crore out of
Rs 395 crore can be arranged for which
efforts are being made. Rest of the
amount will depend on the disposal of
equities/ instruments or any other
decision at the level of CMD/ DoT. |
20-02-21 |
Meeting with Director (HR)—
GS, MEA along with Shri D P S Chaudhary,
Shri Sunil Sonkar & Shri Sunil Kumar met
Director (HR) today 19th Feb 2021 and
discussed following issues--
1. Discussion on MTNL fate in view of GoM
decision to defer MTNL/BSNL merger and
giving MTNL 4G spectrum to BSNL and also
granting wire line license of Delhi and
Mumbai to BSNL— A detailed
discussion was held on various aspects on
which further discussion with CMD and DoT
is required. MTNL is EBITA positive after
VRS, only issue is the loan liability
which if is taken by Govt and management
takes proper decisions and actions, MTNL
can independently survive.
2. Regular promotions in different
executive cadres in all
disciplines—Association expressed the
deep concern over abnormal delay in
holding DPCs in various cadres. Dir (HR)
informed that as per CMD instruction,
restructuring committee has been formed
and tenders are being invited to hire
consultant for restructuring after
consultant report restructuring will be
done and subsequently DPCs will be
conducted for regular promotion in
different executive cadres. Association
requested to expedite the whole
processes. Dir (HR) expected that whole
process will be completed in 2/3 months.
3. Delay in opening the individual EPF
accounts in EPFO— Association
raised this issue and asked him to take
appropriate steps to ensure that EPF
amount of individual employees is
reflected in their EPF account. Dir (HR)
informed that total epf amount of working
employees has been transferred to EPFO,
but there were some issues with EPFO
related to retired employees’ epf amount
for which a meeting of EPFO and CMD MTNL
has been conducted recently and now
hopefully issue will be resolved shortly.
4. Promotion of diploma holder SDEs (C/E)
to EE (C/E)— Association has
already represented this issue to CMD. HR
wing has already sought information from
BSNL where such officers have been
promoted. Some more information has been
sought from BSNL. Association requested
Dir (HR) to expedite the case. He assured
for it
5. Antedating the promotions of some
officers of Mumbai and Delhi— Association
informed Dir (HR) that there are some
cases of antidation pending in CO for
quite long time. He assured to look into
these cases. |
10-02-2021 |
GS Sh V K Tomar, CS Sh Sunil Kumar, Dy GS
Sh DPS Chaudhary, AGS Sh Satyavir singh
and Circle org secy Sh Birgesh Sharma met
ED Delhi to discuss the following issues
1. We raise the pathetic condition of
copper networks in Delhi after vrs and no
improvement of services even after one
year. ED has assured that the revised out
source tender is in final stage and he is
expecting the improvement in services and
cable network after implementation of new
2. We raise our concern about slow
progress of FTTH . ED has assured that a
new business partner policy is under
consideration with high percentage of
revenue sharing to attract business
partner and to increase the number of
FTTH connection. Maintenance of existing
FTTH will also be covered in new policy.
3. We have raised the issue of pending
approval for higher study through evening
classes or weekend classes and ED assured
to clear all pending as well as new
4. We also raise the issue of roaster in
DGM LA promotion due to which our
eligible SC/ST executives are not getting
their DGM LA promotion. We requested ED
to fill the vacant DGM vacancy by
eligible SC/ ST executives by
implementing the roaster. ED has assured
to take decision in this regard after
discussion with GM(A).
5. We have discussed some other general
and vrs issues related to our retired
executives. |
08-02-2021 |
Meeting with CMD
Forum representatives,
Sh V K Tomar, GS, MEA, Shri Dharamraj
Singh ,GS, MTNL MS, Shri Mahavir Singh,
President , Shri Sunil Kumar, CS Delhi &
Shri Pawan Dixit, Joint Secretary, MEA
met CMD Shri P K Purwar on 06-02-2021 in
BSNL CO and discussed following issues.
Salary Delay issue:
The issue of delay in
salary raised, CMD told that salary will
be disbursed on Tuesday, and during the
meeting itself said letter is being
released. Forum raised issue of new
practice of salary approval from DOT, to
which CMD told that this was done to
apprise financial position of MTNL to
DOT, and the same will not be done in
Revival of MTNL
- Detailed discussion
took place on this issue forum raised
issue of related uncertainty of MTNL's
future, which is creating undue stress
and negativity in the employees. To which
CMD replied that the debt condition of
MTNL is not good and he sees no
visibility of the fund so that MTNL could
service its loans beyond march 2021.He is
positive to merger/integration of
operation and Employees without MTNL's
Debts. Modalities of the same can be
decided once decision of the same is
taken at DOT level. Forum raised that
interests of employees must be protected
in terms of Pay Scale and promotions of
any such decisions.
Techinical & SLA related issue—CMD
told, he is providing MTNL certain
equipments such as SDH equipment , MPLS
routers, & NGN switches and software
platforms from BSNL at zero cost to MTNL.
He is also working to improve the SLA
contract condition so that complaints can
be handled properly. Forum raised the
issue of giving more power to SDE & DE in
the said contract so that performance of
vendors can be ensured.
CPF/EPFO Issue—CMD confirmed that MTNL
has already transferred the complete CPF
amount to EPFO, no amount is pending to
be transferred. Regarding CPF payment of
VRS optees 50 cr will be released soon
and for the remaining amount, he has
forwarded case to DOT & EPFO. Regarding
administrative issues with EPFO, CMD
suggested to pursue the same with EPFO.
Promotion Issue-- CMD told that
restructuring work in BSNL is almost
complete after that promotion will be
given. To which GS asked to expedite a
similar process in MTNL too.
Left out Exgratia payment to VRS optees
CMD informed that it will be paid in this
Due to paucity of time, as CMD was to
attend other important meeting, other HR
issues could not be discussed. |
04-02-2021 |
Government has no plan to close down
BSNL, MTNL: Dhotre
<<news>> |
8-01-2021 |
Meeting with Joint Secretary, DOT---GS,
MEA, Sh V K Tomar, GS, MTNL MS, Shri
Dharamraj Singh, President, Shri Mahavir
Singh & Dy GS, MEA Shri D P S Chaudhary
met Jt Secretary, DOT Shri Navneet Gupta
on 07-01-2021 and discussed following
points. Director (Estt), DoT was also
present in the meeting.
- Merger of MTNL with BSNL/Roadmap
of revival of MTNL---Forum
representatives apprised him about the
deterioration, non- up gradation &
expansion of MTNL services and also
lack of initiative, lack of
proper planning/ roadmap on the
part of management to revive the MTNL
even after revival package by
Govt. A detailed discussion was held on
revival. Forum asked for merger
of MTNL with BSNL as per cabinet
decision. JS said that if MTNL is
merged with BSNL with present loan
liability than total loan of merged
entity will be so high that no bank
will give loan to the merged entity and
than it will not be possible to run the
company .So, merger has been deferred
till MTNL loan is paid through asset
monetization, but merger will take
place and that is why charge of MTNL
CMD has been given to CMD, BSNL so that
merger issues can be tacked properly by
single management. He said many steps
on technical front are being taken
towards merger.
- Pay revision--Forum stressed
that a large number of employees have
retired through VRS and so staff cost has
reduced drastically but work load has
increased on existing employees many
fold, so now 3rd PRC/ wage revision
should be implemented. JS repeated that DPE guidelines and financial viability
of the companies do not allow pay
revision and said that we have to wait
till financial condition of the
companies improves.
- Career progression/ promotions--Representatives
apprised JS that no regular promotion has been
given to officers for many years and
they are working on higher posts on
looking after basis with out any career
progression and succession plan so there is
great de-motivation and discontentment
amongst them. We also apprised him that
there will be no financial implication
in any promotion to officers because
all have crossed the substantive grade
of the promotion cadres. We
requested DoT to interven in such
matters which are being stretched
unnecessarily by MTNL management for
years together. This reluctant approach
of Managment is adversely affecting the
performance of employees and company as
a whole
- 30% post retirement
benefits--Corpus for pension to MTNL
recruited employees-This issue was
explained in detail to JS and
intervention of DoT was sought to
get it settled at par with BSNL
- Additional 5% IDA neutralization
for retired employees--- Forum
strongly raised this issue and
expressed its resentment that such a
small but important issue is
pending with DoT for last more than two
years in spite of vigorous persuasion
by FORUM and RTOWA . Joint Secretary
asked Director (Est) to explain the
whole issue and its present status . Dir (Est)
explained the issue in detail and
informed that after some modifications
it is now in process to decide the
liability of DoT and MTNL. Forum
requested Joint Secretary to expedite
the case so that much delayed 5% IDA
neutralization case of retired
employees can be settled at the
earliest. He assured to expedite the
- Clarification regarding
permanent retirement of VRS optees
whose court proceedings are pending---There
are three types of cases
> against whom MTNL has filed court
case--DoT has clarified that no
permanent retirement till the court
> outside department cases--DoT
has already clarified to BSNL/MTNL as per
DoP&T guidelines
>--Case filed by employees against
MTNL --This case is with DoT for
clarification. We argued that in such
cases outcome of court will not invite
any disciplinary action or recovery so
such employees be retired on permanent
basis and their terminal benefits should
be paid. JS assured that clarification
will be given shortly.
entitlement to Prorata optees on last
drawn pay--About 50 employees have
got this benefit through court. Forum has
taken up this case for similarly
placed employees . MTNL sent case to DOT.
Now DDG(estt) informed that this case has
been sent to health ministry last week
for its decision on the matter.
Joint Secretary assured that concerns
raised by Association/Union in this
meeting will be shared and discussed with
Addl Secretary and MTNL managment.
05-01-2021 |
GS, MEA & GS, MTNL MS along with other
office bearers wished new year and
discussed some issues with Secretary,
DOT, Addl Secretary, DOT, Jt Secretary,
DOT, CMD, MTNL/BSNL Shri P K Purwar, Dir
(HR), Dir (T), ED, Delhi and other
officers of Dot & MTNL. The main focus of
discussion with CMD and other officers of
DOT and MTNL remained on, revival of MTNL/
merger with BSNL , Pan India unified
license to BSNL and its impact on MTNL
and also the protection of employees in
any case. Issues related to pending dues
of retirees, 30% corpus and career
progression/ DPC were also discussed.
Secretary and CMD have been requested to
grant the meetings for detailed
discussion on MTNL revival and HR issues. |
01-01-2021 |
New Year 2021 |
19-12-2020 |
MTNL CO issue order regarding term
insurance for working employees with SBI
LIFE Insurance. Link to apply is given on
<<click for order>> |
27-11-2020 |
FORUM writes letter to PMO, Secy DOT
regarding services of MTNL.
<< letter>> |
26-11-2020 |
FORUM writes letter to PMO, Secy DOT
regarding handing over the WS services to
<<letter>> |
21-11-2020 |
DPE issued order regarding freezing of
IDA of CPSUs wef 01/10/2020 till
01/07/2021. MEA strongly opposes this
move of govt.
<<order>> |
20-11-2020 |
Engagement of consultant in TEC, Delhi
on short term contract basis for
<<LETTER>> |
11-11-2020 |
A virtual meeting of Central Working
Committee of MTNL Executives Association
was held on 1st November 2020, which was
attended by CHQ/Circle Office bearers /CWC
members from Delhi & Mumbai units.
Following issues & agenda were discussed
1. Revival, survival merger of MTNL with
2. How to improve the services of MTNL to
increase customer base and the revenue
3. Post VRS restructuring & career
4. Pending DPCs in all cadres
5. Implementation of 3rd PRC
6. Creation of corpus for post retirement
benefits to MTNL recruited
7. Other HR issues
CHQ President Shri P N Vasane presided
over the meeting. GS briefed about the
present condition of MTNLs business and
as to how, highly unconcerned and
inefficient managerial working at Senior
Level is deteriorating the operational
and financial condition of MTNL in spite
of the Govt’s sincere efforts to revive
the company through financial package and
policy decisions about a year ago.
GS also briefed as to how management is
deliberately and ill-naturedly
de-motivating and frustrating the
experienced & hard working officers by
denying legitimate rights like
promotions, pension through 30% corpus,
pay revision etc
Office bearers raised many issues related
to inefficiency, slackness, misadventure,
indecisiveness and sense of total
unconcern to company of the senior
management in blatant disregard to Govt
desire to revive the company. Senior
management is running the company
operations in an alienated manner thus
jeopardizing the business and services to
irreparably low level.
They cited numerous examples to show as
to how hotchpotch & total mess has been
created in MTNL functioning through lack
of concern, unresponsiveness and
unwillingness of top management to run
the company. Problems and difficulties
related to SLA based Service Contract and
Venders were also raised in detail.
Office bearers strongly expressed their
concern and discontentment over the
abnormal delay in settlement of various
HR issues, like DPCs, 30% corpus, pay
revision, policy for faster carrier
progression according to PSU hierarchy,
delaying employees vested right cases,
denial of conveyance charged for
performing duties, covid insurance,
enhancement in IPD, good productivity
enhancing initiatives like Online File
Tracking, E-Office, framing of Work
Procedure Manual& SoPs, large file
pendency with senior officers, inordinate
delay in repatriation of unwilling Govt
officers and other pending HR issues.
Issue of waiver of RI charges and
trenching charges from local authorities
for MTNL being essential service
provider. A strong need was also
expressed to get appointment of full time
CMD and other Directors of Board to steer
revival of company faster and properly.
Problems of WS were discussed in details.
After long deliberation on various issues
and situations, CWC strongly expressed
its unhappiness over the arrogant and
uncooperative attitude of MTNL management
and unanimously asked CHQ to take up all
the issues related to officers’ welfare
and MTNL revival very strongly at all
possible levels viz with MTNL Management,
Secy DOT, Ministry and PMO.
CWC authorized the President and
General Secretary to take any decision to
resolve the HR issues and ensure MTNL
revival/merger as early as possible
through all means and measures. |
04-11-2020 |
attention all CPF members for working
Please read the below document and do
complete the steps as soon as possible.
30-10-2020 |
Complex Delhi & ED Office Prabha Devi,
Mumbai on 27th Oct 2020
MTNL Executive Association along with
MTNL Mazdoor Sangh held a well attended
Full Day Dharna at MTNL Corporate Office,
CGO Complex, New Delhi. The gathering was
addressed by GS MTNL EA, Circle Secretary
MTNL EA, GS MTNL Mazdoor Sangh alongwith
other distinguished speakers. Association
thanked all for making the full day
Dharna programme a grand successful
event. This Dharna is able to convey
concern of Employees of their beloved
MTNL to MTNL management and DOT/ PMO.
MTNL Retired Officers also participated
in the Dharna .
In MTNL Mumbai the full day Dharna was
performed at ED Office Prabha Devi,
Mumbai in the leadership of CHQ President
and CS MEA Mumbai.
19-10-2020 |
Meeting with CMD
Forum representatives, Sh V K Tomar,
GS, MEA, Shri Dharamraj Singh ,GS, MTNL
MS, Shri Mahavir Singh, President , MTNL
MS, Shri Ratnesh Kumar, SG, ITEF & Shri
Pawan Dixit, Joint Secretaryc, MEA met
CMD Shri P K Purwar on 15-10-2020 in BSNL
CO and discussed following issues.
*Revival /merger of MTNL with BSNL*—His
opinion regarding merger of MTNL and BSNL
was that merger of these companies with
the loan liability of about twenty
thousand crore on each will not be good
for combined entity , so he is not in
favor of merger as of now. Forum
representatives expressed their concern
over the deteriorating condition of MTNL
and rising fault pendency
and also asked to increase focus on FTTH
business and prepare plan to capitalize
on recent decision of GOI of mandatory
use of MTNL/BSNL services for government
department and PSUs. Though CMD cherished
the concern of forum representatives on
MTNL condition and he apprised about the
action being taken by management to clear
the piled up pending faults and set right
shortcomings in the SLA based tenders,
but was not having any expansion and up
gradation plan or road map for MTNL
growth except sanction of Rs 10 crore for
purchasing 100 OLT each for Delhi and
Mumbai to increase FTTH connections for
this year. As usual, he cited the non
availability of funds for further
expansion and up gradation plan. About
the funds raising of Rs 6500/ crore
through bonds with sovereign guaranty of
Govt of India, he informed that Rs 4300
crore have been raised through bonds
which is for repaying/ restructuring of
loans. Forum has pressed for arranging
more funds through remaining portion of
bonds and borrowing for expansion and up
gradation of services for revival of MTNL
*Pending dues of VRS/ normal retirees*—Forum
strongly raised that many dues are still
pending of VRS optees and normal retirees
even after 9 months of their retirement
and so they are facing lot of
difficulties in managing their post
retirement future plans and liabilities.
CMD informed that there is shortfall of
about 1000/ crores in Trusts because
securities in which trusts money is
invested could not be sold out and showed
inability to meet this short fall from
MTNL because of non availability of funds
except sale of mutual funds of Rs 100/
crore with a loss of 4%. Forum has
pressed for arranging more funds through
bonds and borrowing to meet the
requirement of pending payments of
retirees. He assured attempts to arrange
funds to meet requirements.
*Corpus for post retirement benefits
to MTNL recruited employees (30% Corpus)*—a
detailed discussion was held on this
issue. CMD apparently was unwilling to
create this corpus on flimsy ground of
pay difference in MTNL and BSNL. We
argued that it is social security issue
recommended by 2nd PRC for living
dignified life after retirement , so it
cannot be linked and compared with the
pay scales of MTNL/BSNL. We have strongly
conveyed him that it is our legitimate
right which cannot be left without
*Holding of Pending DPCs in all
cadres*-- DPCs for regular promotions
in different cadres are pending for quite
long time. When DPC calendar was sent to
CMD for his approval, he asked post VRS
restructuring in all cadres through a
committee headed by Director (HR) and go
ahead with DPC after restructuring.
Committee submitted its report to CMD.
Now, CMD says that there are diverse
views of committee members in respect of
restructuring of posts so file has been
sent back to review it. We have argued
that pending DPCs be conducted
immediately against the vacant posts and
let any committee/ consultant decide
restructuring/ comprehensive promotion
policy in PSU heirarchy for future.
*Counting casual service for the purpose
of pension and gratuity for those who
have served more than five years but less
than 10 years*—CMD assured MTNL will
forward the case to DOT for n/a
*Releasing terminal benefits of
employees/ officers whose cases are
pending in court of law*—CMD
clarified where MTNL has gone in the
court against any employee, his/her case
will be decided after the court decision
and in cases where employee has gone in
court against MTNL, his/her terminal
benefits should not be withheld and this
case has been sent to DOT for
*Hindi translator’s financial
upgradation to E2 scale*—this case
was discussed in detail and CMD was
requested to consider it on the line
already principally agreed by him.
*Media report --MTNL will be VNO
(Virtual Network Operator) of BSNL*—
CMD said that It is the matter which is
to be decided between both the companies,
but nothing has never been discussed and
decided between MTNL and BSNL. So there
is no ground of Media report in this
*regarding handing over of WS service
to BSNL*- CMD informed that DOT wants
it but no decision has yet been taken on
this matter.
*Our protest action will continue for
the settlement of our demands raised in
protest notice*
13-10-2020 |
give protest action notice to Management
for the following demands:
Revival/ Survival of MTNL/ Merger with
2. Improvement in MTNL services.
3. Ensure timely payment of Salary to
working employees in every month.
4. Arrangement. for immediate payment
of all pending dues such as Ex-gratia,
GPF/EPF, Leave
GSLIS, Gratuity payment of
CGHS Medical card deposit fee
5. Ensure GPF advance withdrawal
payment within a week as per DOPT orders.
6. Revision of perks & Allowances.
7. Implementation of 3 PRC/Wage
Revision in MTNL.
8. Corpus for post-retirement benefits
to MTNL Recruited employees/officers with
30% of Basic +IDA w.e.f.01/01/2007 as
recommended by 2 PRC and implemented in
BSNL and other CPSEs.
Revision of
Pension as per CPC.
10. Counting
casual service for the purpose of
11. Payment of Gratuity as per
gratuity act for service rendered in DOT
non-qualifying service for
prorata pension optees
12. Non perfoming deputationist
officers be
13. Holding of pending DPCs.
Implementation of 5% IDA Merger of the
retired employees.
Demand Day
Demand Card
Day long
Dharana at Corporate office CGO Complex &
ED Office Prabha Devi, Mumbai.
<<letter>> |
13-10-2020 |
A meeting regarding "UAN activation and
KYC related activities" of EPFO portal of
CPF members, was held under the
chairmanship of Director (HR & EB), MTNL
at 12:30 Hrs on 09.10.2020 in the
Conference Room, MTNL Corporate Office in
the presence of the distinguished
officers from Delhi & Mumbai units along
with representatives of majority unions
both from Delhi and Mumbai units.
From MEA side Sh V K Tomar, GS and Sh
S K Sonkar, AGS attended the meeting.
In the meeting it has been
decided that controlling officers will
assist all employees under his
jurisdiction in each GM unit for
activation of UAN of the EPF members in
EPFO Portal and correction of details on
EPFO portal for members with respect to
Annexure-K attached. The unit wise
summary of the CPF employees are also
attached herewith.
It has been observed that
basic details of some of the CPF members
(MTNL Employees) on EPF portal is not
matching with MTNL records. In this
regard, kindly find attached from the
Consultants for activation of UAN by the
EPF and correction of their details on
EPFO portal. It has also been mentioned
that without herewith the guidance notes
member for further verification
activation of UAN, no employee will be
able to withdraw his/her CPF , so it is
requested to give it wide circulation
among all the MTNL employees and
controlling officers will make sure that
the requisite data of each CPF member
working under his control has been
> please use mozilla firefox
> complete this task within
this week
<<action plan>>
<<doc4>> |
09-10-2020 |
writes letter to PMO, MOC, SECY DOT, CMD
regarding deteriorating services of MTNL.
writes letter to CMD regarding benefits
of retired employees of MTNL.
<<letter>> |
22-09-2020 |
MTNL CO issued order regarding Staff Qtrs
retention policy.
<<<order>>> |
15-09-2020 |
GS writes PMO, MOC, SECY DOT, CMD MTNL regarding
deteriorating services of MTNL.
GS writes MOC, SECY DOT, CMD MTNL regarding
equal treatment in case of rent charges
of POWAI staff qtrs, Mumbai MTNL.
<<letter>> |
10-09-2020 |
Discussion with CMD: Today
10th Sep 2020, GS, MEA had a telephonic
discussion with CMD, Shri P K Purwar on
two points:
Deteriorating services-- In a
meeting with maintenance contractors last
Saturday, CMD has instructed the
contractors to clear the faults in a time
limit prescribed and also gave area wise
targets. Today CMD sought the Association
help to find few retired SDEs(cable) and
cable jointers for clearing faults
pending before August.
Extention of staff quarters to retired
CMD informed that renting policy on the
line of BSNL renting policy will also be
there for MTNL and orders in this respect
will probably be issued by Monday. GS
raised that in BSNL renting policy, MTNL
employees residing in BSNL quarters have
not been considered along with BSNL/ DoT
employees and pleaded to consider MTNL
employees also along with BSNL/ DoT. CMD
agreed that MTNL employees'
representations for the same will be
10-09-2020 |
GS writes CMD MTNL regarding
deteriorating services of MTNL.
<<letter>> |
03-09-2020 |
Meeting with Director (HR)--GS
along with CS, Delhi Shri Sunil Kumar &
AGS , Shri Sunil Sonkar met Dir (HR) on
02-09-2020 and discussed following
issues. PGM(HR) was also present in the
- DPCs for regular
promotions in different executive
cadres of all disciplines--Dir (HR)
informed that after abolishing VRS
posts, total left out posts in
different executives in all disciplines
have been calculated and fresh DPC
calendar has been proposed for CMD
approval. After His approval, DPC
process for regular promotion in all
executive cadres will be started. LICE
schedule is also being prepared.
- Post VRS restructuring of all
cadres--CMD has asked the committee
of Directors chaired by Dir (HR) to
recommend the post VRS restructuring of
different cadres in view of present
network and new norms. Director (HR)
informed that committee is looking into
various aspects of restructuring and
carrier progression of executives.
Views of Association will also be taken
in due course of time.
- 30% corpus for post retirement
benefits to MTNL recruited employees--
After the query of Director (Fin),
case is to be put up with the
recommendation of committee chaired by
PGM(HR). PGM (HR) informed that
committee has conducted one meeting,
but members require some more clarity
on the issue. Again, committee will
- Term insurence--PGM(HR)
informed that proposal of SBI
Life on term insurance has been
approved by the CMD. Link will be
uploaded on MTNL site shortly
- Diploma holder AE (Elect/Civil)
promotion to Executive Engineer-
Association has written to CMD to
promote these AEs on the line of BSNL
and asked Director (HR) to put up the
case for favorable decision. He assured
to look into it
- Extension of stay of retired
employees in departmental quarters
--Association/ Forum has raised this
issue many times. Director (HR) has put
up the case to CMD to allow retention
for one year on the ground of Covid 19
- Pending dues of VRS optees and
normal retires--Dir (HR) and PGM(HR)
explained the funds positions of
different trusts and steps being taken
by management to address this issue.
Further discussion will be held with
- Pending financial upgradation in
HR/Mktg/Fin/Civil/electrical wing
officers due to pending one week
training-- Dir (HR) asked
Association to discuss with ED, Delhi
and get Training conducted immediately
physical or online as per convenience,
if required he will ask ED to do so.
03-09-2020 |
GS had a telephonic discussion with
CMD on 29th August 2020 on following
- Problems with new maintenance
tenders and deteriorating services of
MTNL-he assured to look into it
- Pending DPCs-
- Post VRS restructuring
- Lockdown period transport allowance
GS requested CMD to fix a meeting with
Association on service matters and
pending HR issues. He asked GS to discuss
HR issues with Director (HR) first |
28-08-2020 |
GS writes CMD MTNL regarding
discrimination of DRs in availing EL
encashment and deputation.
<<letter>> |
28-08-2020 |
Order regarding inclusion of excluded
family members in Group medical scheme
for working employees.
<<order>> |
16-08-2020 |
MTNL CO writes letter to DOT for the
CGHS facilities in IDA scales, on the
basis of Forum letter.
<<letter>> |
10-08-2020 |
GS writes EPFO / CMD MTNL regarding
higher pension for CPF optees.
GS writes CMD MTNL regarding pensionary
benefits for whose court cases are
<<letter>> |
04-08-20 |
Discussion with Director (HR)--On
3rd August, a discussion was held between
GS and Dir (HR) on the issue of transfer
of all liability of retired and working
employees to EPFO and option for
higher pension. He said that now EPF
trust along with all liability of working
employees has been transferred to EPFO,
so now the matter of option for higher
pension is to be taken up with EPFO. As
far as left out 30% CPF payment of
retired employees is concerned, as and
when funds are arranged , option is open
either to pay to employees or to transfer
to EPFO. Regarding amendment in EL
encashment rules, he informed that it
was done to meet the requirement of
income tax department to avail the income
tax exemption on EL trust. Regarding 50%
EL encashment to DR in case of
resignation, he asked to discuss this
issue with PGM(HR) first to know the
background. |
04-08-2020 |
Meeting with Director (Fin)--GS
along with DGS, Shri D P S Chaudhary met
Director (Fin) on 31st July and discussed
about the VRS post abolition and DPCs in
different executive cadres. Association
requested him to clear the pending files
with him related to promotion/ VRS
post abolition so that further process of
DPC can be started. He assured that
pending files will be cleared in a day or
so. During discussion, the issue of
issuance of Rs 6500/ crore bond was also
discussed. It was informed that bonds
will be issued by 30th August. Discussion
on time bound promotions with financial
upgradation was also held. He was
supportive to our views that if scales
are being given on time bound basis than
responsibility should also be given by
giving promotion in that grade. Issue
will be further discussed with CMD |
04-08-2020 |
As per the instructions from Corporate
Office vide letter no MTNL/CO/Pers-II/Annual
Appraisal Hierarchy/2010-11/885 as a one
time measure the access to eapar portal
for those Reporting/Reviewing officers
who have retired after 30/06/2019 will be
allowed from 05/08/2020 to 20/08/2020 for
Reporting/Reviewing eapar pending at
their end.
To check the status of pending eapars
please visit eAPAR reports available on
Delhi Intranet website. (Report no 3 and
4 for E5-E9 grade and Report no 11 and 12
for E0-E4 grade.
For any technical issue related to this
please write email to
eapar@bol.net.in |
04-08-2020 |
Letter written by GS, MEA to CMD
regarding release of payment of
pensioners benefits of employees
whose court cases are pending.
<<letter>> |
04-08-2020 |
Letter written by GS, MEA to CMD
regarding promotion in all cadre.
<<letter>> Letter written by GS, MEA to CMD
regarding promotion of Marketing, HR,
Financial, Civil, electrical, legal
<<letter>> |
30-07-20 |
Letter written by GS, MEA to CMD
regarding inadequate amount of insurance,
deficiency of service by TPA & special
arrangement for Covid 19 on 20-06-2020
<letterpage1 >>
<<letterpage2>> |
22-07-2020 |
Meeting with CMD—GS , MEA Shri V K
Tomar and GS, MTNL MS, Shri Dharamraj
Singh met CMD Shri P K Purwar on
18-07-2020 and discussed some of the
issues raised by forum.
1. Revival of MTNL--issues related to
revival like maintenance, expansion of
services, financial condition and human
resource were discussed in detail. Forum
representatives raised many concerns on
all the aspects of revival. It was also
raised that how services will be
maintained after the expiry of human
resource tender of ACME on 6th August.
CMD informed that efforts were being made
to put the maintenance tenders in place
by 6th August, but because of some issue
with nic, tenders are likely to be
delayed for one week, but efforts are
being made to complete the process by
15th August. CMD expressed his concern
over the declining revenue and asked
forum representatives to focus on revenue
generation. Representatives suggested him
various measures to increase the revenue
and also the steps to be taken by
management to motivate the work force and
give them higher responsibilities.
2. Pending DPCs in all cadres in
different disciplines—CMD was apprised
how officers/officials in all streams are
frustrated and de-motivated because of
reluctance of management in conducting
DPC for a long time. It was also
requested to CMD that conducting LICE in
any cadre in present situation is not
good idea so all posts be filled up
through SCF only. Regarding DPCs, he
assured to discuss this issue next week
with concerned officer to expedite it
3. Transport allowance for self vehicles
during lockdown –It was informed to him
that the payment was made upto 17th May
2020, but it was to be extended for more
time in view of spread of corona virus
and extended lockdown . He assured to
look into it and decide.
4. 30% corpus and term insurance— these
cases are yet to be put by HR wing, so
will discussed later after they are put
up to him. These are being pursued in HR
5. Pending dues of VRS optees/ normal
retires—Forum representatives raised the
concern of retirees over delay in
payments, and pressed for early payment.
CMD explained the financial constraints
of trusts and said that all pending
payments will be made within 3 months
6. Quarantine centers in Delhi and Mumbai
for MTNL staff-- The condition of MTNL
employees of Delhi and Mumbai in the
situation of rising corona virus spread
in these cities and difficulty being
faced by employees was brought to his
knowledge and asked for setting up of
quarantine centers in Delhi and Mumbai
for MTNL employees, so that employees who
have to be home quarantined may stay away
from family members to avoid virus spread
among them. CMD agreed for the same
7. Interest on delay payment of GPF and
pending medical bills and also CGHS
payment reimbursement of retirees. CMD
said issues are logical demand but not in
a position to commit time line of these
payments because of financial
constraints. Forum has pressed for early
8. Pension of EPS95 scheme employees—Work
of completing the pension paper is going
on, and it is the priority issue for
management to see that their pension
starts at the earliest. He also said that
there is requirement of three retired
officers of Account/finance wing for EPF
related work to expedite the process.
Interested officers can give their
willingness to CO. He also informed that
EPF amount will be transferred to EPFO
within 15 days.
9. Issue of retention/ extension of staff
quarters of retirees & Powai quarters
issue of treating MTNL/BSNL employees on
same footing- He remained non committal
for now and said can be discussed
10. Call JNC meeting immediately & settle
long pending issues: The General
Secretary, MTNL MS has demanded to call
JNC meeting immediately for detailed
discussion and settlement of long pending
issues accordingly. |
29-06-20 |
Status of 30% corpus, term insurence and DPCs for
regular promotion to different executive
- 30% corpus for post retirement
benefits to MTNL recruited employees--Case
was put up by HR wing for creating a
corpus for pension to MTNL recruited
officers/employees according to the DPE
OM to CMD through Director (Fin).
Finance wing has sent the file back to
HR wing asking to put the case with the
recommendation of Committee formed for
this purpose
- DPCs for regular promotions in
different Executive cadres--Case
was put up to CMD for his approval of
DPC schedule. CMD has returned the file
with the queries of schedule of LDCE
and restructuring of post according to
present network.
- Term insurance--Quotations
were sought from LIC and private
insurers. LIC has offered insurance
coverage of 10 lakh only and private
insurers have not responded . Now
Association is also approaching to some
private insurers to get high insurance
GS discussed with Director (HR) on 24th
June, 2020 and requested to reply the
queries at the earliest in both the
cases. He has assured early action in
both the cases. |
21-06-2020 |
<<ORDER>> |
20-06-2020 |
GS writes to CMD regarding CGHS ward
facility on the basis of last pay
certificate, transfer of EPF trust to
EPFO and retention of staff quarters for
VRS optee/retirees.
<<<letter>>> |
17-06-2020 |
Discussion with Director (Fin)--GS
discussed following issues with Director
(Fin) today (17-06-2020).
- DPC schedule--Director (HR)
has proposed the DPC schedule of
different executive cadres and sent to
CMD for his approval through Director
(Fin). Director (Fin) has raised some
queries on this. GS explained him how
officers are being deprived from their
due promotions in different cadres in
all streams because of unwarranted
process and practices just to deny the
promotions. GS conveyed him the
discontentment amongst officers
because of delay tactics of management
to deprive them from their due
promotions on one or other ground.
Dir (Fin) assured that he would discuss
with HR wing and clear the file.
- Creation of pension fund for
MTNL recruited employees in accordance
of 2nd PRC recommendation and DPE
OM for creating 30% corpus for post
retirement benefits--After long
persuasion, Director (HR) sent proposal
to CMD for creation of pension fund for
MTNL recruited employees through
Director (Fin). It was learnt that case
is still pending with Dir (Fin). GS
explained him the background of the
case and requested him to clear the
file and send to CMD. He assured to
look into it and discuss with CMD
- Charges to staff and officers @Rs
10/ Km- for four wheeler and @ Rs 5/ Km
for two wheeler for personal vehicle
for commuting from residence to office
and on official duties. After
persuasion of the Association, Director
(HR) processed the case and sent to CMD
for his approval through Director (Fin)
which is pending with him. GS apprised
him of the necessity of encouraging
personal vehicle during this covid-19
pandemic to combat it and also need of
personal vehicle when metro is not
plying. He said he would discuss with
- GPF/CPF payment to VRS/normal
retirees--He informed that GPF fund
is being released to Delhi and Mumbai
Units today or tomorrow and CPF fund
will be released next week
15-06-2020 |
Forum writes to CMD regarding human
resource outsourcing service
<<<letter>> |
Meeting with CMD
Forum representatives, Shri V K Tomar,
GS, MEA and Shri Mahaveer Singh,
President, MTNL MS met CMD, MTNL Shri P K
Purwar on 06-06-2020 and discussed
following issues
Payment of pending dues of VRS optees &
normal retirees—Forum
representatives expressed the anguish of
thousands of employees who opted VRS on
the assurance of Management that their
all terminal benefits will be paid in 2/3
months, but now more than 4 months have
passed and their dues are not paid. CMD
informed that this situation arose
because securities could not be sold due
to prevailing market condition. Now,
decision has been taken to sell equities
at the loss of 3% and larger part of
their dues will be paid in this month
Gratuity of CPF
payment will be made by next week.
Both the units have been asked to send
their fund requirement by Monday so that
funds can be released by Corporate Office
by Wednesday.
GPF payment—50%
payment of GPF will be made in this month
and financial condition will be reviewed
next month to make fund arrangement for
balance amount
CPF Payment----50%
payment will be made this month and
financial condition will be reviewed next
month to make fund arrangement for
balance amount
Leave encashment---He
informed that 70 to 80% payment of leave
encashment has been made and funds for
balance amount will be arranged shortly
Ex-gratia Payment—He
said that as per information available
with him, one installment of about 31%
payment has been paid and DOT has about
Rs-8000/-crore in this head which can be
released shortly. With this payment about
80% ex-gratia will be paid. Meanwhile DOT
is pursing for relaxing the sealing which
govt has put after covid-19 breakout, so
that 100% ex-gratia payment can be made.
Forum representatives
pressed for full payment of all dues at
the earliest. CMD assured that all
payments will be made as committed by
management only thing is that because of
prevailing conditions, funds are to be
managed from different ways.
Special leave for those who were
stranded in lockdown—Circumstances
of not attending office by some employees
during lockdown were briefed to CMD, like
non availability of public transport,
containment zones, boarder sealing and
struck in other state due to sudden
lockdown, 14 days quarantine period etc.
CMD said that no decision on this matter
has been taken till date, but keeping in
view all aspects including the guidelines
and interest of service, decision will
be taken.
Contact less working in MTNL
to contain spread of Covid 19 virus—Representatives
highlighted the increasing corona
positive cases in MTNL and stressed to
encourage contact less working in MTNL .
CMD informed that he has started e-office
in BSNL and it can be started in MTNL for
which he will ask Director (HR).
Insurance cover of Rs 50 Lakh for
Covid 19 fatalities—He
said this case has been sent to DOT
30% corpus for pension to MTNL
recruited Employees—We
informed him that proposal in this regard
has been initiated by HR wing for your
approval and requested him to consider it
favorable. Case has not yet reached to
him. It is still in finance wing
Maintenance charge from MTNL
employees residing in Powai quarters
whose allotment is done by BSNL—it
was explained in detail that powai
quarters were constructed by MTNL on its
land and all municipal charges, property
taxes etc are paid by MTNL. . Only thing
is that authority of allotment of
quarters of some towers was given
to BSNL and with this authority y BSNL is
demanding maintenance charges from MTNL
employees residing in these quarters. We
have raised many times that these
quarters are of MTNL and be handed over
back to it and MTNL employees should not
be forced to pay maintenance Charges. On
this issue, CMD remained non committal.
We have to fight this issue in the days
to come
Promotions and up-gradations in
different cadres--
Matters of promotions and upgradations of
different cadres were raised. He
informed that proposal of DPCs of
executive cadres sent by Director (HR)
has not yet been received in his office.
He will take decision as and when he gets
the file. In some cases of promotion/
financial upgradtion he asked us to
discuss with Director (HR) first.
Disconnection of RSTC of MTNL
employees in NCR in nonpayment of old
It was brought to his notice that BSNL
is disconnecting Residential Service
Telephone Connections of MTNL employees
due to nonpayment of old bills. He agreed
to review and take a appropriate
decision, if RSTC are being disconnected
for bills of the period before a cut of
date which was decided to pay bills to
each company by the MTNL/BSNL employees
and get it reimbursed from their
respective company. He asked us to write
him in this matter
Medical facility to Pro-rata optee
retired employees on the basis of last
drawn pay--
It was informed to him that on the basis
of court decision, 52 employees have been
allowed to claim the medical facility
entitlement on the basis of last drawn
pay. We asked him to extend same benefit
to other similarly placed employees. He
said that this matter pertain to DOT and
asked us to write so that matter can be
sent to DOT to take decision for others
Retention of departmental quarters
by VRS optees for more time in view of
Covid 19 pandemic—He
said matter will be looked into but did
not commit any thing. This issue will be
further discussed shortly in the days to
Forum representatives
asked him to have another meeting after
some time for detailed discussion on the
agenda points submitted by forum to take
decisions on various issues.
05-06-2020 |
Forum writes to Secretry DOT & CMD MTNL
regarding greater role and responsibility
to MTNL officers for revival of Company.
02-06-2020 |
*Discussion with Director HR*--
following issues were discussed with
Dir (HR) yesterday ( 1st June 2020).
1. *Payments of pending dues of VRS
optees/ retirees*...He said 80%
payments will be made within 15 days
2. *DPCs in different executive
cadres*.. He informed that DPC
schedule along with VRS post abolition
proposal has been sent to CMD for his
approval after which DPC process of
different executive cadres will be
3. *corpus for 30% post retirement
benefits* He informed proposal has
been processed and sent for CMD
approval through Dir (Fin).
4. *Term insurence*. He informed
that LIC is offering very less
insurence coverage, so quotations are
also being invited from private
5. *Nodal officer for covid19 cases*
He said appointing one officer as nodal
officer in one circle will not serve
the purpose. All the GMs are nodal
officer for thier area and they have
to cordinate and help thier staf.
6. *Extending the fecility of
payment to the staff and officers @Rs10
for four wheeler and @Rs 5/- for two
wheeler during covid 19 pandemic
--He agreed to process the case for
30-05-2020 |
GS writes letter to CMD MTNL regarding
preventive measures and facilities to the
<<<letter>>> |
30-05-2020 |
Yesterday, GS discussed with Dir (Fin)
regarding salary payment of May month,
who informed that salary payment will not
be paid on 31st May but is expected on
3rd or 4th June because of some financial
adjustment. |
30-05-2020 |
GS discussed following issues with
PGM(HR) on 26th May 2020
1-Allowing to reimburse fuel charges
for attending office During Covid-19
--She said no decision has been taken
till date on this issue. It can be
discussed with higher ups.
2. Term
informed that employees data required
has been sent to it. Now
has to revert back with quotation. She
said today she will remind
for the same.
3-- pension corpus for
recruited employees.. She informed
staff was on leave so case could not be
prepared, now he has joined and he has
been asked to work on it to prepare the
4.. Pending
in different executive cadres--She
assured to start
process shortly. I
come to know that
of last year's pending
is being prepared and
will be conducted accordingly.
We will keep pursuing with the
management at every level to see the
settlement of pending issues and
promotions in all disciplines of
different executive cadres at the
26-05-2020 |
Forum writes to CMD for
settlement of various payments to
VRS-2019 pensioners/normal retirees and
other inordinately delayed issues, like
Promotions in executive cadres, 30%
corpus, term insurance, trg increment,
salary on due date, extension of
department quarters for retirees till
31st March 2021 in view of Covid 19
pandemic etc. <<<Forum
25-05-2020 |
NCOA press release to oppose reckless and
hasty move of govt to privatize public
sector units.
<<press release>> |
25-05-2020 |
NCOA appeals Hon'ble Prime Minister for
stimulus package to CPSEs in covid 19
<<<letter>> |
22-05-2020 |
Forum writes to Secretary, DOT regarding
5% IDA fixation of retired employees
<<letter>> |
22-05-2020 |
Forum writes to CMD regarding post
retirement dues of VRS/ normal retirees
<<,letter>> |
18-05-2020 |
GS writes letter to CMD regarding
maintenance charge of Powai Quarters,
<<letter>> |
15-05-2020 |
GS discussed with Dir(HR) today
regarding payment of salary of ACME
staff. He informed that MTNL has paid
dues to M/s ACME for the months of FEB
and March. He gave direction to PGM(HR)
to look into matter. |
14-05-2020 |
CMD MTNL has formed A committee of
three functional Directors of MTNL to
look after the financial, operational,
and technical affairs of MTNL.
<<ORDER>> |
12-05-2020 |
Meeting with Director (Fin)--GS
along with CS Delhi met Director (Fin)
today and discussed regarding post
retirement dues of VRS optees and normal
retired employees. GS conveyed the heart
burning and discontentment of retired
employees who have not received their
dues like GPF, CPF, gratuity and full
leave encashment. He informed that Trusts
are not in a position to make full
payments against the liabilities which
they own because of their inability to
sell their securities during this covid
19 crisis. Association pressed that it is
the responsibility of MTNL management to
make payment of all dues to the
retired employees. It is the internal
matter of MTNL and trusts, employees
should not suffer. Director (Fin) today
asked all the Chairmen of four
trusts to give a presentation to CMD
regarding their trusts conditions, so
that management can take decision
regarding payment of dues to retired
employees. He also assured that
appropriate steps will be taken to ensure
the payment of pending dues of retired
employees. GS pressed for early payment
of left out
partial payment of EL encashment
because sufficient amount is lying in EL
trust. Dir (Fin) assured to consider it |
12-05-2020 |
Meeting with Director (Tech)--Today
, GS along with CS Delhi met Director
(Tech) and discussed on various issues
related to the 4G wire less service
tendering in BSNL/MTNL and hurdles being
faced in this process and revenue
generation in MTNL through land line
services and also personal protection of
employees against covid- 19
pandemic. Steps towards merger of MTNL &
BSNL were also discussed. |
12-05-2020 |
Discussion with PGM (HR)--GS
discussed following issues with PGM (HR)
today in continuation of yesterday's
discussion with Director (HR) yesterday .
- Corpus for post retirement
benefits to MTNL recruited
officers/employees as per 2nd PRC
recommendation--GS briefed her
about the yesterday's discussion on
this issue with Dir (HR) and asked her
to put this case with her
recommendation in the capacity of
Chairperson of the committee formed for
this purpose for further action. She
assured that after discussion with Dir
(HR) case will be put up shortly.
- Term insurance--She informed
that after discussion with LIC, data of
employees was sought from Delhi &
Mumbai and same has been received which
will be provided to LIC and LIC will
give fresh quotation. GS has requested
to expedite the process and take final
decision at the earliest.
- Promotions in different
executives cadres of all disciplines--GS
expressed discontentment over the
abnormal delay in processing the
promotion cases of executives in
different cadres of all streams. PGM(HR)
said post VRS
restructuring of posts is to be done
first before processing the promotion
cases, which was delayed because of
less staff presence in the office due
to lockdown after covid- 19
crisis outburst . She assured that
process will be started shortly
- Payment of gratuity to the CPF
optee employees who retired on normal
superannuation or through VRS--She
informed that CPF trust has liquidated
the securities of Rs 195 crore and
securities of Rs 120/- crore are still
to be liquidated which will earn losses
if sold today. So management has
to take decision on this.
been |
11-05-2020- |
Discussion with Director (HR)--Today
on 11-05-2020, GS discussed following
issues with Director (HR)..
- Payment of dues of VRS optees/normal
retirees like GPF, CPF, gratuity and
left out partial EL encashment--He
gave the brief explanation of the
status of the various payments and
asked GS to further discuss these
payment issues with Director (Fin) and
- Promotions in various executive
- Term insurance--He
informed that PGM(HR) has been asked to
expedite this issue and she is working
on this.
- 30% corpus for post retirement
benefits--GS informed him that only
2200 eligible executives and non
executives are left out post VRS and
requested for early settlement of this
case. Dir (HR) said that he would ask
the PGM(HR) to put up the case.
08-05-2020 |
EPFO issued order to MTNL regarding
transfer of EPF Trust of MTNL to EPFO.
<<<order>>> |
05-05-2020 |
Meeting with ED, Delhi--GS along
with CS, Delhi met ED on 04-05-2020 and
discussed following issues-
Sanitization of MTNL Delhi building and
release more funds for purchase of
mask, sanitizer etc to combat covid 19.
Early and centralized payment of
outsourced staff
Area problems
pending cases of VRS optees
ED assured to take appropriate actions on
the issues raised by Association |
27-04-2020 |
GS writes letter to CMD regarding
GROUP LIFE INSURANCE for new entrants
after 01/01/2013.
<<<letter>>> |
23-4-2020 |
FORUM of MTNL Unions and Associations
writes letter to CMD to implement SOP
issued by MHA to fight with COVID-19.
<<<letter>>> |
22-04-2020 |
FORUM of MTNL Unions and Associations
writes letter to CMD to give Rs 2000/- to
each employee for purchasing hand
sanitizer, hand wash, gloves, mask etc
<<<letter>>> |
20-04-20 |
GS writes letter to CMD regarding TERM
LETTER>>> GS writes
letter to CMD regarding DPC in all
<<< LETTER>>>
GS writes letter to CMD regarding
DPC from AM(Fin) to DM(Fin).
<<<LETTER>>> |
20-04-20 |
Calculator cum TA form for
reimbursement of TA in Lockdown period.
Just download and fill the form.
<<<calculator>>> |
14-04-2020 |
Many Many Congratulations and welcome
to Sh Praveen Kumar Purwar ji for taking
charge of MTNL.
<<<news>>> |
07-04-2020 |
Pensioners who have not received
pension for the month of Feb, 2020 are
requested to send a copy of blank cheque
with name, Employee number to whatsapp
no. 9013133533. It is required for Delhi
CCA. |
07-04-2020 |
State-owned telecom firm MTNL has
cleared all pending salaries till March
and is now looking to resolve debt issues
through asset monetisation, a top company
official said on Monday.
<<news>> |
03-04-2020 |
<<EXT>> |
03-04-2020 |
FORUM writes letter to CMD MTNL regarding
donation of one day salary to PM CARE
<<<letter>>> GS writes letter to
HONBL'E MOC regarding Rs 50 lakh term
insurance in the line of health worker
announce by Central govt to MTNL/BSNL
GS Sh Tomar ji writes letter to
HONBL'E PMO as Secretary General (NCOA)
regarding Rs 50 lakh term insurance in
the line of health worker announce by
Central govt to all workers involved in
essential services.
<<letter>> |
20-03-2020 |
Reliance Jio, which started tariff war by
providing free calls and data service,
has been seen to be competitive, so it
has turned against free service. This
trend of Jio has come to light after a
proposal of BSNL and MTNL preparing for
revival with the efforts of the
government. The two government companies
have suggested to the Telecom Regulatory
Authority of India (TRAI) that companies
with less than 15% market share should be
exempted from the minimum rate rules for
phone calls and data. But, Jio has
opposed it.
<<news>> |
20-03-2020 |
Union Communications Minister Ravi
Shankar Prasad has stated that the
Central Government could be very severe
about Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL)
and Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited (MTNL)
and it’s essential to have public sector
undertakings within the discipline of
telecommunications and that’s the reason
the federal government A revival bundle
has been introduced for them.
<<news>> |
19-03-2020 |
GS discussed with CMD about precautionary
steps to be taken by MTNL against CORONA.
Some of the actions have been taken as
suggested by us two days back. Other
measures will be decided after PM's
address today at 8pm.
Regarding salary payment---He said one
month salary will be paid on 21 Feb and
another salary will paid few days after
in this month only. He said all dues like
GPF, leave encashment etc will be paid in
this month only. |
16-03-2020 |
GS writes email and
regarding CORONA:
ED Delhi/ Mumbai
Subject: Special arrangement to tackle
COVID-19 Epidemic in MTNL
As whole nation is preparing to confront
the epidemic on war footing. Our Hon'ble
PM had already raised this issue at SAARC
level. Disease has proved highly
contagious and a global threat now. WHO
had also raise full alarm declaring it an
World Wide Epidemic
As MTNL is providing services in each
nook and corner of City and all crowded
public space. Delhi & Mumbai also have
International and National level
passenger transit terminals, Airport,
Railways, Metro, Buses, Taxies carrying
thousands of passengers daily. Under
these circumstances people in Delhi &
Mumbai are more prone to threat of
COVID-19. MTNL being a public service
provider at all these places, it's
employee are more so.
In view of this, it is earnestly required
that MTNL take suitable precautionary
steps immediately and provide proper
protective equipments to it's employee at
work, fool proof arrangement for regular
sanitizing the facilities and premises
and closer of non-urgent public
interactions at Sanchar Haats, NCR
Counters, which can be worked online and
telephonically, at least for the time
Please note that MTNL employee are
already undergoing financial hardships
and any untoward incident may trigger
panic and impact of company revival
efforts also.
V K Tomar
13-03-2020 |
13-03-2020- |
GS, MEA had a discussion with CMD MTNL on
11th March 2020 regarding: 1. Salary
payment: He said there is no visibility
of fund availability for salary payment
as on date, but after 16th March
visibility of fund availability is
2. Provisional Pension to VRS optees
in Delhi Zone : GS informed him that CCA
Delhi Zone is not releasing provisional
pension to VRS optees as per DOT
instruction while Mumbai CCA has
released. MEA has written to Secy DoT and
CMD MTNL in this respect bt nothing has
been done. GS requested CMD to talk to
Secretary in this respect.
3. Regular Promotions in All
Executive cadres: GS asked CMD to issue
the regular promotion orders in all
executive cadres. CMD assured action but
after March. |
09-03-2020 |
GS writes to Secretary, DOT and CMD MTNL
regarding payment of provisional pension
to MTNl Delhi unit VRS optee employees .
<<lettr> |
09-03-2020 |
May this festival of
colors fill colors in your life. To every
shade of you, MEA wishes happy and
colorful holi to all MEA office bearers,
members and family ! |
05-03-2020 |
GS writes letter to Secy DOT and CMD
MTNL regarding payment of Jan and Feb
2020 salary before Holi.
<<<letter>>> |
on full pay
Case --
petition No: 1134/2018 filed by NCOA/NCR
in Hon Supreme Court on EPF full Pension
case. Our members are to become party in
the Hon Supreme
Now Attorney General (AG)
is appearing for EPFO which makes the
case costly and very serious and we have
to engage very senior Advocates to the
match the stature of AG. AG pleaded in
the last sitting to hear and decide the
SLP and Review Petition filed by the EPFO
before hearing our petition and other
SLPs. After hearing AG, Hon SC agreed to
his plea.
Now the Advocate on Record
(AOR) agreed to add new applicants in the
petition with a fee of Rs 200/- per
applicant. The list of applicants with
details are to be given to the AOR latest
by 05.03.2020 so that he can file the
documents with the list of applicants in
the Hon SC before the next hearing date.
The next date of hearing is
to be on
In the case of R C Gupta
case (judgment dated 04.10.2016), EPFO
has taken the stand that the benefits
will be limited to the applicants alone.
NCOA and NCR is trying its level best for
a general judgment, applicable for all
but our AOR advised us not to take any
risk at this last moment and make all the
members party by name.
CSs, ASs
bearers are required
to collect the information from the
members and mail to CHQ urgently.
The amount of Rs 200/- each
Direct recruited and pro-rata opted
officers who wish to be named in the case
can be remitted to the CHQ account.
The format is also given.
EPF case data details
must be submitted with fees. |
29-02-20 |
Meeting with ED, Delhi--GS, MEA Sh
V K Tomar & GS, MTNL Mazdoor Sangh, Sh
Dharamraj Singh met ED Delhi on 24th Feb,
PGM(O) was also present in the meeting .
Forum representatives briefed him about
the problems being faced in maintaining
the services due to shortage of staff,
both executives and non executives
and also non availability of the
vehicles, required material and
funds for even petty works.
Representatives also informed him
about the delay in sending the service
books of the VRS optee employees because
of shortage of staff in finance wing, and
expressed the heartburning of
retired employees/officers, who are
neither getting pay nor pension and
running pillar to post to get their PPO/
pension settled but are not able to get
it done in the absence of service books
which are yet to be sent to CCA from MTNL.
ED sought information from all area
GMs who informed that 2 or 3 employees
are deputed in each area for pension
related activities. But information was
not available regarding non revenue units
like HQ, IT, SS, etc . After our
pleading, it was agreed that some more
staff will be deployed to complete the
pension related work.
It was also agreed that some more non
executive staff say about 100 will be
outsourced for field units and also to
meet the requirement of other GM units
where staff has not been outsourced.
Regarding vehicles, ED informed that
inspite of making old payment of venders,
no vendor is ready to provide vehicles,
but he assured that efforts will be made
to arrange the vehicles as early as
possible. Regarding store items, he
assured immediate action on his part. |
29-02-2020 |
View Media Reports:
24-02-2020 |
Meeting with
PGM(HR) : GS, Sh V K Tomar along with
AGS Shri Sunil Sonkar & CS , Delhi Shri
Sunil Kumar met PGM(HR) today and had
detailed discussion on following issues-
- Out
sourcing of staff through MS/ACME--Association
brought to her knowledge the
problem being faced by the units in
getting the staff through the ACEMA and
sought some clarifications which she
clarified. She also said this tender of
outsourcing of manpower is for
few months and maintenance tenders are
required to be decided by units at the
Regular Promotions in
all executive cadres of different
wings( -- Association raised
this issue and pleaded for conducting
DPCs for promotions at the earliest to
motivate the executives at this
juncture when after VRS one executive
has to take the work load and
responsibility of many executives. She
assured that pending DPCs will be
conducted now.
- Promotions
from AM to DM in Fin/HR/Mktg wing--Association
raised this issue and demanded
promotion of left out officers by
converting LICE quota into SCF--She was
not agreeing on this proposal but
regarding HR/Mktg wing promotions, She
gave a option of merging these
wings with Telecom wing and give
promotion in this stream where there is
no shortage of vacancies in DM cadre.
This merger will be optional. There is
no such cadre in BSNL so it may become
the dead cadre after merger of MTNL
with BSNL.
- Promotion
of civil/elect wing non engineering
graduate SDE To EE--This
issue was discussed in detailed. She
informed that some case is pending on
this issue which is to be further
discussed with the concerned
officer dealing this issue
- 30% corpus
creation for pension fund of MTNL
recruited employees--This issue was
discussed in length. PGM(HR) informed
that total 2347 employee/officers are
left out post VRS in this category
and the case of 30% corpus will be take
up after some time.
- Medical
policy of VRS optees--PGM(HR)
informed that retired employees have
been given two options, one CGHS and
another is through insurance company.
any one can exercise option for
insurance company by the end of
February 2020
- Transfer
of EPS trust to EPFO-- She informed
that MTNL has conveyed the willing ness
to EPFO to transfer the trust and asked
for modalities and other formalities to
transfer it to EPFO
21-02-20 |
Media Reports:
21-02-20 |
Meeting with ED Delhi
GS along with Circle Secy Delhi Sh Sunil
Kumar and other office bearers met ED
Delhi on 17-02-20 to discuss the
different points ie shortage of staff,
vehicle, imprest/ Ty advance, principle
employer issue , shortage of drop wire ,
instrument etc enquired and raised by our
Delhi office bearers for smooth
running of services. In a long meeting ED
assured to take all possible steps as
suggested by association for proper
maintaining the services.
21-02-20 |
Meeting with director (T) GS
along with other office bearers met Dir
(T) on 16th Feb to discuss the post VRS
scenario and raised various problems
faced in Delhi & Mumbai units in
maintaining the services and also
suggested various measures to improve the
services |
17-02-2020 |
GS writes letter to CMD regarding
regular promotions of executives in all
cadres in post VRS scenario.
<<letter>> GS writes
letter to CMD regarding regular
promotions of Marketing executives.
<<letter>> |
07-02-2020 |
Today, GS had a discussion with CMD
regarding salary payment and post VRS
MTNL service maintenance . He informed
that efforts are being made to arrange
the funds for salary payment but exact
date can not be predicted. Dir ( Fin)
informed that Presidential approval for
Rs 500/- crore loan from bank is being
pursued with DoT for arranging funds for
In respect of managing services, CMD said
he has approved contract for hiring field
staff, drivers/ guards, and now units
will manage the required man power. |
07-02-2020 |
MTNL और BSNL को लेकर
मोदी सरकार का बड़ा ऐलान, कभी बंद नहीं
होंगी दोनों कंपनियां.
<<news>> |
31-01-2020 |
We wish a very happy
retirement to all our members who are
retiring from service after opting VRS or
on their superannuation on 31st Jan,
2020. Thank you for everything you’ve
done for MEA directly and indirectly. You
will be missed at work place, but never
Retiring does not mean
that we will lose touch, rather we will
have stronger bond and keep working
together for the welfare of serving and
retirees officers. May you have a
relaxing new chapter ahead where you will
have unlimited time to enjoy your
life. We hope you have a wonderful
May all your future
dreams come true and may your life be
filled with joy and happiness.
Retirement doesn’t
mean the end of your active life. You can
do the things that you’ve always wanted
to enjoy it!
Happy Retirement. We
are always with you. |
29-01-2020 |
Comrade Sh Prashant Kumar Ji, Ex Area
Secretary (West), Delhi donated Rs 5000/-
to MTNL Executives' Association on
retirement on VRS. We wish his healthy
and happy retired life. |
29-01-2020 |
MTNL CO issued order regarding
expenditure on retirement.
MTNL CO order regarding expenditure
towards farewell on retirement for
Rs 2000/- per employee.
<<<order>>> |
29-01-2020 |
ED Mumbai issued LA Promotion order in
the grade of DGM(Telecom).
ED Delhi issued LA Promotion order in the
grade of DGM(Telecom).
<<order>> |
24-01-2020 |
Comrade Sh Dilawar Ali Ji, Ex Area
Secretary ( WS), Delhi donated Rs 5000/-
to MTNL Executives' Association on
retirement on VRS. We wish his healthy
and happy retired life. |
17-01-2020 |
Media Reports:
17-01-2020 |
Meeting with PGM(HR)--- GS along
with DGS, Sh D P S Chaudhary, CS, Delhi
Shri Sunil Kumar & AGS Shri Satyavir
Singh met PGM(HR) on 16th Jan, 2020 and
discussed following issues
- Stopping of exgratia payment to
those whose court/ vig cases pending--
Association argued that ex-gratia
payment should not be stopped in the
cases in which their is no court case
against employees but employees have
made court case against management/
govt to get their benefits, because in
such cases in any condition employees
are not going to be punished, so their
is no ground to stop their ex-gratia
(cases like 206 seniority, pro-rata
optees or individual cases). PGM (HR)
said that all these decisions have been
taken in consultation of DOT decision
can't be reviewed without DOT consent.
- RSTC retention extension for
VRS optees--Association raised this
issue for issuing common order for
retention of RSTC . She said that EDs
are authorized for the same and issue
can be discussed with both the EDs.
- Pending DPCs of different
executive cadres- Association
pressed for immediate conducting DPCs
in different executive cadres. She said
DPCs will be conducted after reviewing
the post VRS vacancy position and
process will be started in February
- CGHS entitlement for pro-rata
optees on the basis of last drawn pay
instead of pay at the time of opting
pro-rata pension--She said that
instructions in this respect are to be
issued by DOT and MTNL has no problem.
Case will be discussed in DOT
- Some other individual cases were
10-01-2020 |
with ED Delhi--
GS along with CS, Delhi Shri Sunil Kumar,
DGS, Shri D P S Chaudhary, Circle
President, Shri Arun Dixit, AGS, Shri
Satyavir Singh & AGS, Shri Sunil Sonkar
met ED, Delhi Shri Harvesh Bhatia on 9th
January,20 and discussed regarding
maintenance of services and other issues
Association raised concern about
maintenance of services after 31st
January,20 when VRS optee staff will be
relieved and there will be acute shortage
of staff to maintain the services. He was
apprised of the views of Delhi Circle CEC
regarding difficulties in maintaining
services post VRS and delay in
restructuring & outsourcing of staff.
ED agreed with
the anticipated challenges in maintenance
of services post after 31st January and
explained the action taken by management
in this regard. He informed that in
accordance of Plan A, out sourcing tender
for maintenance of transmission services
has been floated and another tender for
maintenance of copper services will be
floated in couple of days.
And in
accordance of Plan B, requirement of
staff for maintaining services till plan
A becomes operative has been sent to
Corporate office, where HR wing is
working on that. It is being planned to
take man power through Govt Portal GEM.
He said efforts are being made to bring
out source staff by 21 Jan so that one
week overlapping can be there to make new
staff acquainted with the work of job.
He also said
that about 40 executives from BB, IT, WS
will be sent to field areas shortly. And
regarding posting of DGMs in different
areas, he said that required
eligible officers are not available, so a
case for approval from CO to give charge
of DGMs to SDEs on seniority basis has
been sent to corporate office and orders
will be issued after this approval
shortly. Association has asked ED to
decision and issue orders so that 15 days
overlapping can be done to get new
staff/officers acquainted with new work
of Job.
Association also
raised the issue of providing vehicle to
field officers to make proper mobility of
officers to maintain the services
properly. He agreed with and assured to
make arrangement of vehicles.
guarding the building and RSUs, he said
that RSUs will be guarded by the staff of
electrical wing who are their in every
building to maintain electrical services,
he also said that requirement of more
driver and guards has been sent to
corporate office.
Pending issues
of VRS optee officers were also
discussed. ED assured early decision on
07-01-2020 |
Massive Lunch Hour demonstration at ED
Delhi office, K L Bhawan, and ED, Mumbai
Office, Prabhadevi House for the early
payment of all pending salaries and other
legitimate issues.
<<<photos>>> |
07-01-2020 |
Lunch hour Demonstration
All are
requested to attend lunch hour
demonstration at Corporate Office , New
Delhi & Prabhadevi, Mumbai today ie
07-01-2020 in large number to press for
the settlement of issues raised by Forum
including salary payment with arrear,
pension revision, 30% corpus, 3rd PRC
etc. |
06-01-2020 |
After long persuasion of MEA MTNL CO
issued order regarding all pending
training exemption for VRS optees.
<<<order>> |
04-01-2020 |
Shri Harvesh Bhatia, PGM (LS&WS) has
taken over the charge of ED, Delhi after
Shri S P Rai, ED Delhi was relieved to
join his new assignment on promotion. We
assure our support and cooperation to
Shri Bhatia at this crucial juncture when
there is big challenge to maintain the
services post VRS. Hope things will be
better in his leadership in MTNL Delhi |
04-01-2020 |
Meeting with CMD--GS,
MEA, Shri V K Tomar and GS, MTNL MS, Shri
Dharamraj Singh met CMD on 2nd January
and had a detailed discussion on salary
payment and implementation of
revival plan particularly out sourcing
tenders of maintenance of service after
31st January. CMD informed that loan is
being arranged for salary for which
Secretary, DOT has intervened and
regarding out sourcing tenders, he
informed that both the tenders of copper
and fiber are ready and will be uploaded
on the site in a day or two. Plan B also
has been prepared for maintaining
services till plan A is practically
implemented. |
04-01-2020 |
representatives met Senior officers
of MTNL/BSNL, DOT & Hon'ble Minister
on new year to greet them and had brief
discussion with ED, CMD, Jt Secretary,
Secretary and Minister of Communication
on implementation of revival plan of MTNL
at the earliest. We also met to CMD ,
BSNL and had a discussion on merger of
MTNL & BSNL. All the officers and Hon'ble
Minister of Communication were positive
and hoped revival of MTNL in the coming
days. |
04-01-2020 |
It is for the information of CPF VRS
optees only (service less than 10 years)
to fill the below mentioned annexure for
availing indoor medical insurance CGHIS
facility, OPD card for VRS CPF optees
will be prepared after their retirement.
These CPF VRS optees are not eligible for
CGHS. it is a category of direct
recruitees. Kindly submit the above
mentioned annexure duly filled in medical
section room no.321 atK. L. bhawan before
10 January 2020.
<<LETTER>> |
03-01-2020 |
CEC of MTNL EA Delhi Circle will be
held on 6th January 2020 Monday at 2 pm
in Room No. 555, Kidwai Bhawan New Delhi
to discuss the restructuring and other
posts-VRS issues. All CHQ , Circle Office
Bearers , Area Secretaries , Div.
Secretaries, and CEC members of Delhi
Circle are requested to kindly attend the
CEC. |
03-01-2020 |
Forum of MTNL Unions and Association (
MTNL EA & MTNL MS) organised Lunch
hour demonstrations at GM offices in
Delhi and Mumbai today. At ED MTNL
ND office a very well gathering of
executives & employees (working in the
offices near Janpath) demonstrated
for the issues of non-payment of 3 months
salary and others.
The pics of the Delhi/Mumbai
demonstrations are in below link
<LINK> |

Forum representatives, Sh V K Tomar, GS,
MEA, Shri Dharamraj Singh, GS, MTNL MS,
Shri Ratnesh Kumar, SG, ITEF, DGS, Shri D
P S Chaudhary and Jt Secretary, Shri
Pawan Dixit met Shri
Ravishankar Prasad, hon'ble Minister of
Communication & IT on new year and
had a discussion on implementation of
revival plan of MTNL. He was very
positive and hoped MTNL/BSNL will be
revived shortly |
02-01-2020 |
02-01-2020- |
Meeting with Addl
Secretary DOT--Ms Aneeta
Praveen, 1989 batch IAS officer has
joined as Addl Secretary, DOT. GS Sh V K
Tomar along with GS, MTNL MS, Shri
Dharamraj Singh, Dy GS Shri D P S
Chaudhary & AGS, Shri Satyavir singh
greeted her on 30h December, 19 and had a
detailed discussion on various issue
related to revival of MTNL, Post VRS
scenario and payment of last three months
salary. She gave patient hearing and said
that DOT is engaged on all issues related
to revival of MTNL/BSNL and step by step
all decisions of cabinet will be
implemented. Regarding salary payment she
said that raising bond of Rs 6500/
crore is taking some time, but funds for
salary is being arranged from banks for
which Finance Secretary is being
requested by Secretary DOT. She also said
that efforts are being made to clear all
salary dues by 31st January.
26-12-19 |
MTNL EA & MTNL MS) has given a protest
action plan for payment of salary, long
pending issues of employees and fast
forward revival of MTNL. The program
includes -
3rd Jan 2020 -- Lunch hour
demonstrations at all GM offices
7th Jan 2020 -- Lunch hour
demonstration at MTNL CO & ED Mumbai
Please click the following link for
viewing the letter .......
<notice> |
14-12-19 |
Meeting with GM(HR)---GS along
with DGS, Shri D P S Chaudhary & AGS,
Shri Sunil Sonkar met GM(HR) and
discuused following issues
- Post VRS restructuring--GM(HR)
informed that Delhi & Mumbai units are
working on restructuring of staff and
will decide in their MCMs and finally
it will be placed in the board meeting
on 21st December for its information
and approval.
- Exemption of all pending mandatory
trainings of financial upgradation for
VRS optees--Association informed her
that their are VRS optee officers who
could not undertake mandatory training
for one or more than one financial up
gradation for one or another reason, so
all mandatory trainings be exempted for
these VRS optee officers or they should
be given these mandatory training
before 31-01-2020. She said that
relaxation in clause 1(f) of promotion
policy to exempt mandatory training is
already given to the employees who are
retiring within two years from the date
of upgradation and same has been
extended to VRS optees. We clarified
her that exemption through this letter
is for last training only not for
earlier pending trainings. After
meeting with GM(HR), GS met CMD and
briefed this issue, but detailed
discussion could not held because he
was leaving to attend STPI board
meeting. This issue will be deliberated
further with the CMD to find the
- Expedition of Vig/ other cases of
VRS optees-- Association asked her to
get the pending cases of VRS optees
expedited and take decision before
31-01-2020. She informed that both the
units have been asked to expedite such
cases and take decision at the earliest
and reminder will be sent in a day or
14-12-19 |
View Media Report:
10-12-19 |
IMPORTANT NOTE for all the employees
opting for VRS / Going to retire within 3
months ::
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare has
decided for the central government
employees to apply for the issue of
pensioner's CGHS cards, 3 months before
their date of retirement. The official
interested in availing CGHS facility will
have to complete the following
formalities ::
1. Fill up the prescribed Pensioner's
CGHS form
2. Affix stamp sized photos of the
entitled family members.
3. Enclose DD / Pay Order for the
appropriate amount payable to PAO, CGHS
at New Delhi.
4. Last pay certificate (Provisional).
5. Last pay slip.
6. Photo copy of Identity Proof.
7. Vigilance clearance.
# Application for the issue of
Pensioner's CGHS Card is to be signed by
the Unit Officer and C/S by Dy. Manager
(Medical) HQ, K. L. Bhawan, ND.
# The validity of Pensioner's CGHS Card
will start from the last day service of
the official.
Enclosures ::
# Prescribed Form for Pensioner's CGHS
# IDA to CDA Pay Matrix for the purpose
of deciding CGHS contribution and Ward
# Application for issue of Pensioner's
CGHS Card.
<<CGHS3>> |
10-12-19 |
VRS related orders:
09-12-19 |
Meeting with CMD--GS along with
DGS and CS Delhi met CMD and discussed
about post VRS restructuring . CMD
informed about the merger of some
GM units and reporting of AM/DM/SM to
DGMs. We objected on reducing the
promotion prospects of executives by
merging the reporting hierarchy and
demanded that SM be retained as
functional hierarchy cadre.
He said that in view of post VRS drastic
reduction in manpower this interim
arrangement is being made to run the
services, and HR policy will be totally
reviewed after some time. He also
informed that tenders will be floated
shortly for outsourcing the field staff
and maintenance of distribution lines and
transmission lines. We also asked him
to conduct the pending DPCs in the
executive cadres of different
disciplines. But CMD does not want to
conduct any DPC before 31 Jan 2020. After
our insistence, he said that he will
discuss with BSNL CMD and take decision
accordingly. We will have to put pressure
in BSNL and MTNL to get the DPCs
Some officers were requesting to
withdraw their VRS option. We discussed
this issue with CMD, who clearly denied
to review any matter on VRS option. No
such request will be considered. |
09-12-19 |
View Media Report:
29-11-19 |
Efforts are on to revive the public
sector BSNL and MTNL and make them
professional, the government informed
Rajya Sabha on Thursday while noting that
the VRS scheme for existing employees is
receiving an encouraging response.
<<< media news>>> |
28-11-19 |
GS, MEA along with Dharamraj Singh,
Gen Secy, MTNLMS met CMD MTNL on
27/11/2019 and discussed the following
issues: 1. How services will be
maintained after 31-01-2019, when VRS
optee staff will be relieved. A detailed
discussion was held on this issue.
Salary payment- He informed that
SBI might have approved our loan today
and salary may be paid on 1st or 2nd
December 2019.
GPF payment-We expressed the
concern of those who applied GPF
withdrawal for their urgent need like
children's marriage but not received any
amount. CMD assured to release some
amount for GPF withdrawal to meet
requirement of such type of urgent cases
along with salary fund. |
28-11-19 |
MTNL CO issued orders regarding VRS
related queries.
<<<Message of GM HR>>>
<<<imp Dates>>> |
23-11-19 |
CHQ Conference & Delhi conference was
held on 15th and 16th November at Indian
Social Institute, New Delhi.
Open Session was held on 15th November,
2019 which was addressed by Chief
Guest Shri Sunil Kumar, CMD, MTNL, Shri S
P Rai, ED, Delhi, GS, SNEA, Shri K
Sabestin, GS, MTNL MS Shri Dharamraj
Singh & GS, RTWOA Shri S S Nanda. GS, MEA
Shri V K Tomar in his inaugural address
welcomed chief guest and guest of honors
and briefed how this revival plan came in
existence after lot of persuasion and
struggle against bureaucratic will of not
revving MTNL/BSNL so it was great
achievement of MTNL/ BSNL unions to see
the revival plan after 10 years struggle.
Mere plan will not ensure revival but
post VRS planning and efforts of
management and employees will decide, but
in any case, time ahead is going to be
tough. GS appealed management to take
care of issues of both the categories ie
those who are opting VRS and those who
will be left out, and also to ensure that
services during transit period and also
post VRS are maintained properly. GS also
raised some issues of the employees for
attention of CMD.
CMD in his address explained the
VRS process in detail and clarified the
queries raised by the delegates. Some
of points touched by CMD are as below:
1.. To sell asset for covering loan
in one year.
2. Asset monetization target of Rs.
in this year.
3. 2400 employees each in Delhi
/ Mumbai
will be left after taking VRS by all
4. Target of 14000 employees for VRS.
5. 12300 have filled the form.
6. Likely option of first cum first
serve basis for VRS but will be final
as per BSNL. Will be decided later
7. 1300 people in Delhi and 850
people in Mumbai above 56 years are
left to still take VRS.
8.. pension revision will be
applicable on VRS optees
as well.
9.. No liability can be created
afresh on MTNL Houses, however final
decision is yet to be taken to allow
to reside in MTNL quarters after VRS.
10. Size of exchanges and buildings
will be reduced.
11. Finance of MTNL will be
12. Outsourcing will be done.
13. Redeployment can be done. But
will be
14. Same procurement strategy with
15. Salary burden will be 600
and 350
getting from rent.
16. K. L.
will be handed over to I. Tax
17. 6000
of assets will be demonetize which is
approved by dot.
ED , Delhi Shri S P Rai stressed on
maintenance of services and explained
how staff will be restructured and
out sourcing will be done.
Delegate session- GS, and Treasurer
report were read out and passed
In delegate session, many suggestions
regarding post VRS were given by
delegates which were noted for action
by CHQ. details will be posted later.
concern of VRS optees were
noted for clarification from DoT/
some decisions
- A committee was formed to sell out Association's Mumbai flat.
- MTNL has filed a case in Mumbai high court for Rs.1.5 crore dam rage from
Associations/ Unions for causing service disruption during protest action for
78.2% fitment. MEA received notice from MTNL. Delegates unanimously passed
that Association should fight and demand left out 4.4% fitment and 3rd PRC.
- Association should take up with the management to decide the post VRS
scenario of restructuring of staff and other measures to run the services
- Promotion policy and other HR issues are to be taken up with the
management immediately after VRS implementation.
Open session photo
delegate session photo
Election of new CHQ body was held. Shri P N Vasane, Shri V K Tomar & Shri
Shailendra R Tripathi were elected as President, General secretary and Treasurer
<< Newly
elected CHQ Body>>
20-11-19 |
GS writes letter to CMD MTNL regarding
Conference held on 16th November at ISI,
Lodhi Road, New Delhi.
<<<letter>>> |
20-11-19 |
GS writes letter to CMD MTNL regarding
shifting of increment date of VRS optees
to Jan 2020.
GS writes letter to CMD MTNL regarding LA
Promotion to VRS optees.
<<<letter>>> |
19-11-19 |
ED Delhi office issued Time Bound
Financial up-gradation from E5 to E6 in
Telecom Cadre.
<<letter>> |
04-10-19 |
MTNL Executive Association is
organizing CHQ conference on 15 and 16
November 2019 at Indian Social Institute
Lodhi Road, New Delhi as per the
provisions of MTNL EA constitution. Delhi
& Mumbai Circles have to elect delegates
as per the provisions of the constitution
and submit the list of the delegates to
CHQ latest by 31 October 2019.
The agenda of the conference is as below
15 November - Pre CWC
16 November - Representative council and
election of CHQ office Bearers for the
next term.
The notification is attached please ....
<notification> |
04-10-19 |
MTNL EA and MTNL Mazdoor Sangh) has given
protest action notice to Secretary DoT &
CMD MTNL regarding non-payment of
salaries of August and September in MTNL
and prolongation of MTNL's revival
/ other issues.
The Protest plan is as below --
9,10 Oct -Hunger strike at DOT, Sanchar
10 Oct -- Lunch Hour Demonstration
at Sanchar Bhawan & ED Mumbai
16 Oct -- Candle march at 5:30 pm from
India Gate to PMO Delhi &
Azad Maidan to Governer House Mumbai
The protest letter is attached as follows
<letter> |
04-10-19 |
It is understood that the discussions
held at PMO yesterday was very positive
was reached
Revival is required and BSNL/MTNL
can be Revived. Discussions are
continuing on the implementation of
Revival package.
it will be concluded in another one week
and proposal may go to the Cabinet for
approval before Deepavali.
03-09-19 |
Meeting with CMD-- GS, Sh V K
Tomar, CS Delhi, Sh Sunil Kumar, GS, MTNL
MS Shri Dharamraj Singh,& President, MTNL
MS Shri Mahavir Singh met CMD, MTNL
today. Director (Fin) and GM, Shri Ashok
Grover were also present in the meeting.
Following issues were discussed.
- Payment of salary-- CMD said
that he had informed Secretary, DoT
through his letter dated 30-09-2019
that MTNL is on the verge of default on
account of bank/ statutory obligations.
He informed that he has asked Rs 380
crore adhoc amount from DOT out of Rs
824/-crore claim of MTNL towards DoT
and proposed to pay one month
salary to MTNL employees. But there is
no arrangement of funds till date to
pay salary of one month.
- Revival of MTNL-- He
informed that there was a meeting in
Finance ministry on Friday in which he
was also present. In this meeting,
Finance Ministry officers did not
appear positive towards MTNL/BSNL
revival. He also informed that today
also there is one meeting on MTNL/BSNL
revival in PMO.
- Payment of GPF--non payment
of GPF amount to retiress and
withdrawal of GPF by serving employees
was strongly taken up by forum
representatives. CMD said that GPF
amount of retirees wiill be paid
shortly and for GPF withdrawal, a
amount of Rs 45 Crore will be
released today against demand of Rs 250
crore from Delhi & Mumbai, so priority
will be decided for GPF withdrawal by
both the units on urgent need basis.
- Payment of LIC installments--MTNL
has not paid installment of employees
LIC since march. This issue was
strongly raised. director (Fin) asked
the concerned officers and assured
appropriate action
- DPC of Civil and finance streams--Issue
of DPC for regular promotion for
DGM(Civil) and DM(Fin) was discussed in
length and it was stressed for early
- Other issues like retiring officers
in the same post on which they are
working in looking after arrangement
and promotions in PSU hierarchy were
also discussed.
- Forum representatives showed their
concern on declining revenue and
discussed ways and means to improve the
- Proposed action against WS, Delhi
unit officers was also discussed in
length and his intervention was sought
to ensure that no action is taken
against the WS wing officers.
27-09-19 |
ED MTNL ND office issued letter asking
for CRs for DGM (Telecom) promotion on
Look after basis. The letter is attached
as followed ...
26-09-19 |
PMO meeting on BSNL/MTNL
meeting convened by
Shri PK Mishra, Principal Secretary to
the PM on BSNL /MTNL revival plan could
not come to a conclusion today, mainly
on the question of whether BSNL/MTNL
revival is possible or not.
A group of 4 Secretaries is asked to
study that matter in 4 to 5 days. If
the meeting of Secretaries decides for
revival, then method of funding like
SPV will be discussed and decided.
26-09-19 |
MTNL CO asks CRs for regular
promotion to the E5 cadres of ---
(1) Sr. Manager ( Telecom) ---
(2) Sr. Manager ( Electrcial) ---
<letter> |
26-09-19 |
Media Reports:
Telecom sector
revenue slips 7%, licence fee falls over
10% in 2018: Trai.
Jio joins DEFER 5G
SALE chorus of Airtel, Voda Idea. |
26-09-19 |
Meeting with CMD, BSNL, Shri P K
Purwar--- GS Shri V K Tomar along
with AGS, Shri D P S Chaudhary, CS, Delhi
Shri Sunil kumar & CT Shri Satyavir Singh
met CMD, BSNL Shri P K Purwar on 25-09-19
and discussed the revival issue of
BSNL/MTNL. He informed that he along with
DOT officers met Addl Secretary, PMO on
24-09-19 and briefed him about the whole
issue and same day in the evening
Secretary, DOT met Principal secretary to
PM, Shri P K Mishra, and it was decided
that a full meeting on this issue will be
held on Thursday evening at 5 PM in PMO
under the chairmanship of Principal
Secretary in which all concerned
Secretaries will participate . |
26-09-19 |
Meeting with Director (T)--
GS Shri V K Tomar along with AGS, Shri D
P S Chaudhary, CS, Delhi Shri Sunil kumar
& CT Shri Satyavir Singh met
Director (T) on 24-09-19 and had a
detailed discussion on revival issue and
improvement in MTNL services |
26-09-19 |
Meeting with Dir (Fin)-- GS along
with AGS, Sh D P S Chaudhary, CS, Shri
Sunil kumar CT Shri Satyavir Singh
met Director (Fin) on 24-09-19 and
discussed regarding salary and GPF
payment. He informed that GPF payment
will be made shortly and efforts are
being made to arrange funds for salary
but he was not in a position to tell the
exact time of payment. He also informed
that a loan of Rs 250/ - crore has been
arranged but 190 crore out of this loan
will be spent on another bank
installment and rest of the money will be
utilized for paying electricity bills and
other essential payments to run the
services. |
21-09-19 |
18-09-19 |
Delhi Unit Financial upgradation DPCs ,
E5 to E6 and E6 to E7 are to be conducted
in the last week of September. All are
requested to send their CRs by 23rd
September urgently. |
18-09-19 |
Meeting with ED, Delhi--GS along
with CS Shri Sunil kumar & AGS , Shri D P
S Chaudhary met ED on 17-09-19 and
discussed the issue of WS Delhi unit and
some individual cases which are to
settled before proposed VRS. |
18-09-19 |
Meeting with GM(HR)--GS along with
AGS, Shri D P S Chaudhary & Jt Secretary
Shri R S Maan met GM(HR) Shri Sandeep
Keskar on 13-09-19 who has taken
the charge of GM(HR) in place of
Mrs Meena Chauhan who has gone on two
months leave. Issues pertaining to
Executives were brought to the knowledge
of new GM(HR) and asked him to expedite
the DPCs for regular promotion in
executive cadres to fill all vacant
vacancies in view of proposed VRS. |
13-09-10 |
Lunch Hour Demonstration at Sanchar
Bhawan on 12 September 2019
MTNL Executive
Association alongwith MTNL Mazdoor Sangh
Delhi ( Under the Banner
& Mahanagar Kamgar Sangh Mumbai held a
massive Lunch hour demonstration at DoT,
Sanchar Bhawan on 12th September 2019.
The Demonstration was unprecedented and
attended by more than 8-9 thousands
Executives/Employees. In addition to
prominent speakers Sh. V.K.Tomar ( GS
MEA) & Sh. Dharmraj ( GS MMS) also
addressed the gathering.
During the above
demonstration Joint Secretary (T) called
the representatives of the forum . All
the issues raised by forum were discussed
in length and during the discussions Jt.
Secy.(T) has assured to release the
salary for AUGUST at the earliest.
Regarding other issues like 3rd PRC
, SPV , Merger with BSNL, , pension
revision etc. he told that they will be
taken up at appropriate level.
Similarly Lunch hour
demonstration were also held in MTNL
Mumbai too.
The Snaps of the
demonstration are in below link ......
09-09-19 |
for Right
are appealed to participate in full
strength in Dharna and lunch hour
demonstration at
Office on 9th September 2019
Lunch hour demonstration at
Sanchar Bhawan on 12th and 13th September
payment of salary and other issues raised
by Forum |
04-09-19 |
with Secretary DOT-
GS, MEA, Shri V K Tomar, AGS, Shri DPS
Chaudhary, CS, Delhi, Shri Sunil Kumar,
GS, MTNLMS, Sh Dharamraj Singh,
President, MTNLMS, Shri Mahavir Singh met
Secy, DOT yesterday. Jt Secretary(Adm)
was also present in the meeting.
Following issues were discussed.
1. Disbursement of salary of
July and August month: Secy informed
that he has asked CMD to pay July salary
immediately and arrangement of fund will
be made shortly.
2. 3rd PRC before VRS: Detailed
discussion was held but he said that as
per DPE guideline on affordability
condition and finance ministry's view on
MTNL/ BSNL as well as financial condition
of MTNL does not allow to consider it
,and if at all 3rd prc process is started
at this moment than whole process of
revival will be jeopardize because
finance ministry will not consider any
thing who is raising many queries on VRS
3. Creation of SPV: He said
that it was proposal of DoT but PMO did
not agree so other way of land
monetization is being considered.
4.Non requirement of 4G: He argued
that 4G is not viable option for MTNL, so
we don't require it and asked him to
consider our proposal already submitted
to him. He asked Joint Secretary to
discuss this with MTNL management
5.Revision of pension by delinking it
with pay revision: Secy was of the
opinion that pension will be revised
after pay revision. we have stressed to
delink it with pay revision.
6. 5% fitment to retired employees:
Jt secy informed that file is with
him and he will clear shortly.
A detailed
discussion was held on how we can
increase revenue through FTTH in the
light of launching of Jio fiber. Further
discussions will be held with DoT and
MTNL management. Counting of casual
service and corpus for post retirement
benefits were also discussed. Secy asked
us to have a detailed discussion with Jt
Secy. cabinet note on revival will be
sent in next cabinet meeting.
04-09-19 |
BSNL, MTNL likely to
get 4G spectrum worth Rs 20,000 crore:
<<news>> |
03-09-2019 |
( MTNL EA & MTNL Mazdoor Sangh)
writes to --- (A) Secretary
(Telecom) & CMD MTNL, for Protest notice
against non-payment of salaries and other
issues ( w.e.f. 9 September 2019).....
(B) Hon'ble MoC regarding
resolution of urgent issues before
finalization of Revival of MTNL/BSNL..................................................
(C) CMD MTNL regarding the
queries of MTNL Executives/Employees
regarding VRS.
<letter> |
28-08-19 |
ED Delhi office issued order regarding
one step higher quarters.
ED Delhi office issued order regarding
Rs 200 concession on FFTH plans for MTNL
<<<letter>>> |
26-08-19 |
ED MTNL ND office has called for
APAR's of the Officers ( Technical) for
Time Bound promotions ---
(i) From E5 to E6 .........
click the link for list
(ii) From E6 to E7 .........
click the link for list
< List>
All office bearers must ensure that
the APARs of all the listed Officers
should be received to SDE (DPC) HQ at the
earliest to conduct DPC in the month of
September. |
22-08-19 |
Hon'ble Minister of Heavy
Industries and Public Enterprises, Shri
Arvind Sawant ji
Today, a meeting of MTNL Unions and
Associations on MTNL revival was held in
the office of Hon'ble Minister of Heavy
Industries and Public Enterprises, Shri
Arvind Sawant. Secretary DoT and Chairman
Telecom Commission , Shri Anshu Prakash
was also present in the meeting.
like creation of SPV to make MTNL debt
free, merger of MTNL/BSNL,
implementation of 3rd PRC before offering
VRS and reduction of retirement age from
60 to 58 were discussed. We are thankful
to Shri Arvind Sawant for his sincere
efforts for MTNL / BSNL revival.

The minutes of the meeting of PMO is also
attached below ...
<MoM> |
22-08-19 |
Meeting with CMD, MTNL--GS, MEA,
Shri V K Tomar, MTNLMS, GS, Shri
Dharamraj Singh , President Shri Mahavir
Singh & CS, MEA Shri Sunil Kumar met CMD
on 21-08-19 and discussed the outcome
of the PMO meeting on MTNL revival.
CMD gave detailed insights of the
meeting discussion which we have already
updated. Forum representatives expressed
their concern on disapproval of PMO on
SPV & MTNL & BSNL merger and approval of
reduction in retirement age and non
consideration of 3rd PRC. He again said
that only Secretary and Minister can take
the call of these issues
A detailed discussion on post VRS
scenario was also done.
CMD said that, cabinet note is
being redrafted in DOT is expected to be
placed in cabinet meeting on 28th August.
Regarding salary payment he informed
that he is pursuing in DOT and
arrangement of funds is being done there,
but it will take some more time.
21-08-19 |
PMO may go ahead with BSNL, MTNL
revival package.
<<media news>> |
20-08-19 |
Meeting at PMO on
MTNL/BSNL Revival Plan on 20.08.2019:
Principal Secretary to the Prime
Minister, Shri Nripendra Mishra called
a meeting today in PMO to discuss the
draft Cabinet Note on Revival of MTNL/BSNL.
1. 4G proposal accepted as 100% capital
2. VRS proposal followed by retirement
age reduction to 58 accepted.
3. Proposal for SPV for land
monetization and transfer of MTNL/BSNL
loan NOT accepted.
4.MTNL/ BSNL land monetization proposal
accepted. It will be monitored by a
Committee consisting of MTNL/BSNL, DoT
and DIPAM.
5. BSNL and MTNL merger proposal
Revised Cabinet Memo will be going to
the Cabinet directly, most probably
next week.
19-08-19 |
Today, Joint Forum representatives
were called by CMD, MTNL and briefed
about the efforts being made by MTNL
management to pay the salary of July
month and to ensure timely payment of
salary every month. He informed that
things are going positive in DOT to
arrange funds and there is a meeting in
PMO tomorrow on revival issue to discuss
the queries of Finance and expenditure
department. In view of detailed
discussion on all issues, Forum decided
that hunger strike programme at CO and
ED, Mumbai office will be deferred and
new programme if required will be
communicated shortly.
Issue of 3rd PRC also discussed in
length. CMD was also of the view that it
should have been there in cabinet note
and said that now MTNL management can't
do any thing but, only Secretary, DOT and
Minister can help. He asked Forum
representatives to meet Secretary and
Minister to get 3rd PRC included in
cabinet note .
<<<appeal>>> |
8-8-2019 |
Third Day-Full
Day Dharna & Lunch hour Demonstration at
ED MTNL, KL Bhawan ND office -
dated 8 August 2019
The third day dharna and Lunch hour
demonstration of MTNL EA &
MTNL Mazdoor Sangh is
carried out today , which is very well
attended ( more than the first two days)
by executives and non-executives. |
7-8-19 |
Second Day-Full
Day Dharna & Lunch hour Demonstration at
ED MTNL, KL Bhawan ND office -
dated 7 August 2019
Mazdoor Sangh have organized a full
day Dharma and Lunch hour
demonstration ( attended by apprx. 800
Employees & Executives) at ED MTNL, KL
Bhawan ND office to press the MTNL
/DoT management for timely payment of
salaries/PRC/other issues. During the
demonstration the top Office Bearers of
Union & Association addressed the
gathering. This is the second day of this
phase of programme involving 3-days
.jpg) .jpeg)
Similar well attended Dharna &
demonstration programme are also held in
ED Mumbai MTNL Office also.
06-08-19 |
Full Day
Dharna & Lunch hour Demonstration at ED
MTNL, KL Bhawan ND office - Dated 6
August 2019
Mazdoor Sangh have organized a full
day Dharma and Lunch hour
demonstration ( attended by apprx. 900
Employees & Executives) at ED MTNL, KL
Bhawan ND office to press the MTNL
/DoT management for timely payment of
salaries/PRC/other issues. During the
demonstration the top Office Bearers of
Union & Association addressed the
gathering. This is the first day of this
phase of programme involving 3-days
Similar well attended Dharna &
demonstration programme are also held in
ED Mumbai MTNL Office.
05-08-2019 |
MASSIVE demonstration at Sanchar Bhawan
OF 5th August 2019
MTNL Executive
Association alongwith MTNL Mazdoor Sangh
held a massive Demonstration ( attended
by apprx. 8000-9000 MTNL Delhi Employees)
at Sanchar Bhawan. Association thanks all
for making the demo programme a
historic one , which was never witnessed
in our memory. This huge gathering has
given right message to the DoT
establishment that our legitimate issues
can not be ignored.
Gen.Secy. MTNL EA
Sh. V. K. Tomar , Gen. Secy. MMS Sh.
Dharamraj , Gen.Secy. BMS Sh.
Brajesh Upadhyay and Gen Secry. Retired
MTNL Officers Association Sh. Nanda
addressed the gathering in addition to
other prominent speakers.
demonstration, the leaders submitted the
memorandum of issues to the Joint
Secretary Depart. of Telecom. and held
discussion with him , in which all the
issues ( including timely payment of
salary, PRC etc.) were broadly
deliberated. Jt. Secy (DoT) was also
asked for fixing a meeting with Secretary
Telecom to discuss their plan for MTNL
employees. Leaders strongly put
forth their stand , that MTNL
employees under this leadership will
continue to stage protest till all the
issues of MTNL employees are resolved.
In MTNL Mumbai
today MTNL EA with MTNL Kamgar Sangh held
a demonstration at ED MTNL Mumbai
office, which was a grand success and
despite heavy rains in Mumbai.
Delhi demo pics ------ >

Mumbai demo pics ---->

<<<click for more pictures>>>
Media coverage of Demonstration
programmer ---
Economics Times --
employees stage protest for non-payment
of wages, pension
2. Financial Express-
MTNL staff protest non-payment
of salaries.
3. Hindustan
वेतन, पेंशन का भुगतान नहीं होने के खिलाफ
में एमटीएनएल स्टाफ का प्रदर्शन |
02-08-19 |
View Media Report:
2-08-19 |
5th August, 2019---Lunch
hour demonstration at Sanchar Bhawan,
New Delhi
All the
Executives and non executives are
appealed to ensure their 100 %
participation in the above LUNCH HOUR
Demonstration at Sanchar Bhawan, New
Delhi and ED office Mumbai. Office
bearers have to ensure that no
executive and non executive is left
behind in offices. Bring all employees
and officers to Sanchar Bhawan and ED
Mumbai Office at lunch hour to press
govt and MTNL management for our very
legitimate right of payment of salary
of two months immediately and other
genuine issues. Now this is the time
when we have to take every possible
step for survival of our families.
Dont leave any stone unturned to make
govt realize that now it the struggle
of do and die in the situation when we
are not able to feed our families.
Nothing can be more important than
survival of our families.
March on
March on to SANCHAR BHWAN |
29-07-19 |
Revised Cabinet
Memo on BSNL/MTNL Revival plan based on
Group of Ministers recommendation is
approved by the Minister and circulated
to other nodal Ministries on Friday,
The proposal includes:
A. 4G spectrum by 100% capital infusion
by Govt (total 14155 cr + 12% GST).
B. SPV for 23000 Cr MTNL loan (present
loan 20000 + furture anticipated loan of
3000) take over with equivalent land
C. Land monetization for meeting MTNL/BSNL
expansion jointly monitored by MTNL/BSNL,
DoT and DIPAM.
D. Financial support for Rural Exchanges.
E. VRS for the employees above 50 years.
After implementation of VRS, age
reduction to 58.
i) Ex-gratia will be paid to the
employees in cash, in single or
maximum 5 installments (optional) for Tax
ii) The formula will be: Ex-gratia+Pension
OR 125% of the salary, which ever is
iii) For arranging money for VRS, MTNL
will issue bonds to the public with
sovereign guarantee of the Government of
India. 50% of interest liability on bonds
will be borne by Govt.
iv) Gratuity payment
and commutation of pension after 5 years
or attaining age of 60 as applicable.
Gratuity payment WITH 8% interest.
Merger of BSNL and MTNL in a phased
manner after addressing the contentious
issues. Initially, debt free MTNL will
become a subsidiary of BSNL.
26-07-19 |
Forum of MTNL Unions and Associations
serves protest notice against non payment
of salary and other critical issues.
--Payment of june and July, 2019 salary
by 31st July, 2019 and ensure regular
payment of salary on due date of every
Implementation of 3rd PRC/ wage
Pension revision of retired MTNL
employees as per 7th CPC
Counting of casual service period for
pensionery benefits
Consider our already conveyed proposals
of MTNL revival
5th August, 2019---Lunch hour
demonstration at Sanchar Bhawan, New
Delhi & o/o Executive Director, MTNL
6th to 8th August , 2019-- Dharna
at ED, MTNL Delhi & Mumbai Office
20th to 24th August, 2019---Relay
Hunger strike at MTNL Corporate office
& o/o ED, MTNL Mumbai
All are appealed to make all programmes a
grand successful
26-07-19 |
Meeting with CMD, MTNL: MEA and MTNL
MS office bearers met Shri Sunil Kumar,
CMD, MTNL and greeted him for his new
responsibility of CMD and wished that
MTNL will perform better and come out
from the present crisis in his
leadership. Issues like improvement in
services and diversification of business
for generating more revenue were
discussed. CMD sought support of
Association/Union and hoped that our
united efforts will improve the condition
of MTNL.
regarding salary payment, he said that
there are no funds available with MTNL
and efforts are being made with DOT to
arrange the funds, but at present nothing
is clear.
also informed that MTNL loan
restructuring of Rs 20000/- crore is
being increased to 23000/ crore in
cabinet note so that this additional
3000/ crore can be utilized in interim
period for clearing liabilities and other
expenditure till the revival plan takes
final shape. |
26-07-19 |
Shri Sunil Kumar, Dir (HR) has been
given additional Charge of CMD, MTNL. We
congratulate him. |
23-07-19 |
ED Delhi office issued endorsement
order of regular promotion in the cadre
of DM(Telecom). Congratulations to all
promoted officers.
<<order>> |
23-07-19 |
It is understood that the Group of
Ministers suggested considering VRS for
the employees above 50 years of age.
Accordingly the draft Cabinet note will
be modified and circulated to the nodal
ministries by this week end. Earlier
proposal was VRS for the employees above
the age of 55. |
23-07-19 |
MTNL CO office issued provisional
seniority list of JAOs.
<<list>> |
20-07-19 |
Congratulations! Congratulations!
ED Delhi office issued DE Look
After arrangement of 47 SDEs in Telecom
<<order>> |
Meeting with
& IT
Prasad—Today (15-07-19), GS,
MEA, Shri V K Tomar & GS, MTNLMazdoor
(BMS) Shri Dharamraj Singh met
Hon’ble Minister of Communication & IT
at his Office in Parliament and
discussed about nonpayment of salary to
employees and revival of
A detailed discussion was held on all
the issues and it was emphatically
stressed that payment of salary should
be made at the earliest because lot of
hardship is being faced by employees
and their families due to delay payment
of salary for last few months, and it
was also brought to his notice that
this month salary has not been paid
till date. He assured to look into this
matter. Regarding revival of
he said that in spite of negative
opinion from different
is trying to revive
and for that some hard decisions are
required. He said staff cost of
is very high which is to be reduced by
reducing the staff strength. We
strongly said that employees cannot be
held responsible for today’s condition
of the company. They are always
prepared to do anything to save our
company. Today’s condition is because
of wrong policies and inefficient
management. Regarding reducing staff
strength, we suggested that if 3rd
is implemented before offering VRS,
than desired target of staff reduction
can be achieved through
only without going for reduction in
retirement age. And by doing so,
litigation and staff unrest can be
Minister said that revival issue will
be discussed in
shortly, and he will make all efforts
to get positive decisions. Memorandums
on our suggestions for
revival and pending issues were handed
over to him.
15-07-19 |
Meeting with Hon'ble
Minister of Heavy Industries and Public
Enterprises, Shri Arvind Sawant--
GS, MEA & Secretary General, NCOA Shri V
K Tomar along with BHEL Executives
Federation of India met Hon'ble Minister
and discussed issues related to BHEL,
BSNL & MTNL. GS, MEA apprised him about
the on going developments in MTNL and
requested for his help and actions to
save MTNL and protect MTNL employees
intrest. He assured all help and support
and said that he was keeping watch on all
developments. |
13-07-19 |
Meeting with CMD--GS,
Sh V K Tomar along with CS, Sunil Kumar,
Jt Secretaries, Sh R S Maan & Sh Sunil
Sonkar , Shri Satyavir Singh, CT met CMD,
Shri P K Purwar who was relieving
yesterday for BSNL to join as Regular CMD
of BSNL. We wished him for best future
and discussed about payment of salary to
MTNL employees and Revival of MTNL and
regarding salary payment, he said that at
this moment, I cant say any thing, only
the person who will take charge of CMD ,
MTNL will tell about salary payment and
regarding revival of mTNL and BSNL, he
said that things are moving fast and
group of ministers meeting will be held
shortly and things will be in public
domain by Tuesday

. |
13-07-19 |
Meeting with ED, Delhi-- GS along
with, CS Delhi, Sh Sunil Kumar, CHQ Vice
President, Sh Parmil Gupta, AGS, Shri D P
S Chaudhary & CT, Sh Satyavir Singh met
ED Delhi yesterday and discussed
following points
- Delay in issuing LA promotion
cadre in SM(T) cadre--Association
brought to the knowledge of ED that DPC
has been conducted long back but
promotion orders have not been issued
till date. ED talked to GM(A) and
assured that orders will be issued on
- Delay in endorsing regular
promotion orders in the cadre of DM(T)---After
discussion with GM(A) and Vig wing, ED
assured orders will be issued by Monday
or Tuesday.
- Association raised the issue of
timely orders of financial up gradation
of executives in all cadres on due date
. Association asked him to instruct the
concerned officers to call for the ACRs
of the executives whose financial up
gradation is due on 01-01-2019
immediately so that DPC process can be
completed well before the due date so
that financial upgrdation orders can be
issued on 01-01-2019. ED agreed with
our contention and assured to start the
process immediately.
- Association also raised that
officers working in Looking after
arrangement should be retired in the
the post which they are holding
during their retirement in looking
after arrangement. ED, supported our
view and asked us to take this matter
in CO because decision is to taken for
both Delhi and Mumbai and assured that
he will also take up with corporate
- Pending medical cases--He
said he will approve all genuine cases,
but payment is to be paid by CO.
11-07-19 |
View Media Report:
11-07-19 |
CEC meeting of MEA
Delhi circle was held on 6th July 2019 at
BSNL recreation club , 5th floor Kidwai
Bhawan which was presided over by Shri
Pramil Gupta, CHQ Vice President and
attended by large number of office
bearers. Main agenda of the meeting was
revival of MTNL and nonpayment of
salaries for the month of June 2019. GS
elaborately explained the proposal of
MTNL management and DOT for which cabinet
note has been approved yesterday by
Minister of Communication and being
circulated amongst the nodal ministries
for their comments. We welcome this move
GS also clarified in the CEC that MEA
and Forum of MTNL Unions and Associations
have taken a official stand that 3rd PRC
be implemented before offering VRS
and there should not be any reduction in
retirement age. Now after going through
the cabinet note in which there is
proposal of reduction of retirement age
and no mention of 3rd PRC, Forum will
hold its meeting on Monday and decide
further course of action.
Regarding non payment of salary of
June month, after discussion with
Director (Fin) and CMD , MTNL who
informed no visibility of fund
availability for June salary, Forum has
issued the protest notice .
17-07-2019---Lunch hour
demonstration at all GM offices in Delhi
& Mumbai
19-07-2019 to 20 -07-2019---Dharna
infront of Office of Executive Directors
of Delhi & Mumbai
Make all
programmes a grand success
11-07-19 |
The Cabinet Memo on BSNL and MTNL Revival
Plan is approved by the Hon Minister and
will be sent to other nodal Ministries
today or tomorrow for their comments:
It is learned that Cabinet Memo is
redrafted based on the discussion between
Cabinet Secretary and Secretary DoT.
The proposal includes:
1) 4G spectrum by 100% Govt equity
2) Taking over all the loan of BSNL and
MTNL by an SPV with land parcels for
equal amount. SPV
will care of debt only.
3) Allowing BSNL to monetize the
remaining land, monitored by a Committee
of officers from DoT and BSNL.
4) VRS for the employees above 55 years
age and then retirement age reduction to
58. Funding will be through bonds having
sovereign guarantee of
Govt of India. The ex-gratia is worked
out in such a manner that ex-gratia plus
pension amount will be 25% higher than
the present pay.
5) Merger of BSNL and MTNL in a phased
manner after addressing the contentious
issues. Initially, debt free MTNL will
become a subsidiary of BSNL.
10-07-19 |
Pravin Kumar Purwar has been appointed
as the CMD, BSNL for a period of five
years. Order issued by the Personnel
Ministry. |
10-07-19 |
GS writes to CMD,
for retired officers.
GS writes to CMD,
withdrawal of hired vehicle and option
for OLA, UBER, etc CAB.
<<<letter>>> |
10-07-19 |
GS met GM (HR) and discussed the the
pending DPCs of executive cadres today.
AM (F) to DM (F) and calling of ACRs for
promotion from DM(T) to SM(T) were
discussed in length. Issues related to
SCF and LICE quota of DM(F) was clarified
to her. ACRs for SM(T) promotion will be
called for shortly. |
09-07-19 |
Forum of MTNL Unions
and Associations serves protest notice
for non payment of salaries to MTNL
employees. Programme
17-07-2019---Lunch hour
demonstration at all GM offices in Delhi
& Mumbai
19-07-2019 to 20 -07-2019---Dharna
infront of Office of Executive Directors
of Delhi & Mumbai
<<<notice>>> |
02-07-19 |
GS writes to CMD,
regarding wrong deduction of Perquisite
Tax from the salary of
employees, allotted
also can save huge payment towards
Perquisite Tax:
<<<letter>> |
02-7-19 |
View Media Reports:
29-06-19 |
Consequent to the retirement upon
superannuation of Sri Anupam Srivastava,
CMD BSNL on 30/06/2019. In order to
ensure continuity, as an interim measure
and subject to approval of the ACC, the
additional charge of CMD, BSNL entrusted
to Sh P K Purwar, CMD MTNL for three
months w.e.f. 01/07/2019, or till the
appointment of a regular incumbent to the
post, or until further orders.
MEA wishes his bright career and bright
future for MTNL and BSNL.
<<<letter>>> |
27-06-19 |
Congratulations! Congratulations!
After long persuasion of MEA: MTNL
CO issued Regular promotion orders
from AM(T) to DM(T). Please click the
below link for the orders ........
Congratulations to 2009 Batch on
promotion . |
27-06-19 |
Meeting with CMD---
MEA & MTNL Mazdoor Sangh BMS)
representatives met CMD yesterday and had
a long discussion on ongoing development
on MTNL revival. He informed that a high
level meeting chaired by Cabinet
Secretary was held on 25 th June which
was attended by eight departments
including Secretary finance,
expenditure, DIPAM, Niti Ayog, Pension,
DPE etc. From Telecom Department,
Secretary, Addl Secy, Jt Secy, Member
(Fin), Member ( Services), CMD ,MTNL and
CMD, BSNL attended meeting. No decision
on any issue including reducing
retirement age to 58 and VRS except
discussion on 4G and land monetization.
No positive approach at beurocratic level
for MTNL/ BSNL revival. Decisions will be
taken at political level. We have to
pursue with Political leaders now. |
27-06-19 |
to survive: Ravi
Shankar Prasad blames stiff competition,
high employee cost for crisis in telecom
PSU ....View
Media Report. |
20-06-19 |
GS along with AGS Sh D P S Chaudhary &
Jt Secretary Sh Sunil Sonkar met GM(HR)
and discussed following issues
- Authenticity of rumours of
reduction of retirement age to 58--She
informed that DOT has asked certain
information and Data which are being
sent to DoT
- Corpus for post retirement
benefits--She informed that a proposal
was sent to CMD, but now committee has
been asked to look into this issue in
comprehensive way keeping in view the
other category of employees who are not
getting pension from govt for the
service rendered in MTNL
- Promotion orders from AM(T) to
DM(T)-- she informed that case has been
put up for CMD approval and orders will
be issued shortly.
20-06-19 |
DoT may choose
lower retirement age over Voluntary
retirement scheme ......View
Media report.
20-06-19 |
Association representatives greeted Shri
Arvind Sawant, Hon'ble Cabinet Minister,
Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises.
We congratulate him on being the cabinet
Minister and wish all the best with the
hope that his position will help us in
MTNL and BSNL revival

20-05-19 |
Meeting with GM(HR)--GS along with
CS, Delhi, Jt Secy, Shri Sunil Sonkar &
DS, Sh Amit Gupta met GM(HR) on 16th May
and discussed following issues-
- Term Insurance Policy--Association
expressed its disagreement on the
proposal of LIC in which it has quoted
the premium only for one bracket of 18
to 60 year of age for the sum assured
of Rs 20 lakhs only. Association asked
GM(HR) to get quotations for different
age bracket for increased amount of sum
assured. She has asked to LIC
representative to come with revised
proposal in a week time.
- Corpus for post retirement
benefits to MTNL recruited officers who
are not cover under CCS pension rule
1972.--She informed that she had
moved file to higher ups for
- DPC for regular promotion from
AM(T) to DM(T) and AM(F) to DM(F)--She
informed that all preparations have
been done and just waiting fresh vig
clearance from Delhi Unit for AM(T) to
DM(T) and case has been put up to Dir
(HR)/CMD for AM(Fin) to DM(Fin) for
approval to conduct DPC..
Note--AM(T) to DM(T) fresh Vig
clearance of Delhi unit will be sent
today to CO |
15-05-19 |
ED Delhi office issues Look after
arrangement in the cadre of DGM(Telecom).
ED Delhi office issues Look after
arrangement in the cadre of EE(Civil).
<<order>> |
15-05-19 |
Association is persistently pursuing
various HR issues in Corporate Office and
had various discussions with management
on many issues. Status of some of
the issues --
- DPCs for regular promotion in
various executive cadres
- SM to DGM---HR wing has put
the case for approval of CMD for
conducting the DPCs for regular
promotion in the cadre of DGM(T) and
- AM(T) to DM(T)--Screening
report of both the circles have been
received and corporate office is
working on it for conducting DPC
- AM(F) to DM(F)--after our
long persuasion, case for holding DPC
has been put for approval of CMD
2. Corpus for
post retirement benefits to MTNL
recruited employees--
After our long persuasion HR wing has
put up the case to CMD for
Term insurance policy--quotation
given by LIC were vary high and insured
amount was very low. After our discussion
with CMD and Dir (HR), a meeting with LIC
representatives will be held again
tomorrow to ask them to rework the
proposal and quotations from other
private companies have also been asked.
4. Clarification/Guidelines
regarding filling eAPAR---After
Association raised the issue of long
pending uncompleted eAPARs because of
retirement of reporting/reviewing
officers. Now CO has proposed solutions
to ED Delhi and GM(IT) to resolve such
issues. |
09-05-19 |
MTNL CO issues DPC calendar for year
2019. Please click the link for letter
... <letter> |
08-05-19 |
GS wrote to CMD MTNL regarding wrong
implementation of recruitment rules
amendments and denial of promotion to
about 100 Officers.
Please click the link for the
letter .....
<letter> |
07-05-19 |
Media News about BSNL/MTNL ..
EconomicsTimes : New
government to take up BSNL, MTNL revival
plans |
03-05-19 |
General Secretary alongwith AGS Sh.
DPS Chowdhary, Circle Secretary Sh. Sunil
Kumar & Circle Treasurer Sh. Satyavir
Singh met ED MTNL Delhi on 02/05/19 and
discussed the issues for improvement of
services in Delhi. Association gave some
suggestions for improvement in revenue of
Delhi unit. Association requested the ED
to fill up all the vacant posts in DE/DGM
cadres on look after basis at the
earliest as there is acute shortage of
these cadre Officers in various units. ED
assured that these look after orders will
be issued shortly. |
03-05-19 |
GS writes CMD regarding pension
revision of MTNL absorbed employees as
per 7th CPC.
<<letter>> GS writes
CMD regarding creation of corpus for
pension of MTNL recruited employees as
per 2nd PRC.
<<letter>> |
05-04-19 |
GS writes CMD regarding vacancies in
the cadre of DM(Fin) for the DPC from
AM(Fin) to DM(Fin).
<<letter>> |
04-04-19 |
View Media Reports:
02-04-19 |
of today's PMO meeting on BSNL/MTNL
Today, a meeting on MTNL/BSNL
revival was held in PMO chaired by
Principal Secretary, Shr Nirpendra Mishra.
In this meeting it was learnt that PMO
has agreed for 4G spectrum allocation to
BSNL/MTNL, VRS for employees above 50
years, assets monetization after approval
from Cabinet. It is also learnt that PMO
discussed on possibilities of MTNL and
BSNL merger. PMO did not agree on
reduction of retirement age from 60 to 58
years. Further details will be uploaded
shortly. |
02-04-19 |
EPFO Pension News: The Supreme Court
on Monday gave a major relief to private
sector employees by dismissing EPFO's
plea against the HC ruling that had asked
the organisation to pay full pension to
retiring employees on the basis of their
total salary.
<<news>> |
02-04-19 |
Delhi Unit has sent screening report
of AM(T) to DM(T) for regular DPC to CO.
Mumbai screening report is awaited.
Mumbai Executives are requested to send
their CR at the earliest. |
02-04-19 |
BSNL-MTNL merger to create a
financially stronger entity; employees to
benefit: Frost & Sullivan
<<news>> BSNL, MTNL
woes: PMO convenes meeting on April 2,
<<news>> |
26-03-19 |
ED Mumbai office issued Look After
arrangement for the post of SM(T).
<<list>> |
25-03-19 |
Don’t disconnect BSNL, MTNL power
connections over pending dues: DoT to
state govts.
Telecom regulator: No government
reference on 4G spectrum to BSNL, MTNL.
BSNL, MTNL may look at leveraging assets
to fix finances.
<<news>> |
14-03-19 |
Joint meeting of
MEA and MTNL MS ( recognized union of
Delhi) was held today in Karol Bag
Exchange to to discuss and decided the
line of action on the present situation
of MTNL where salary and other
legitimate benefits are not being paid on
time. Large number office bearers of both
the organizations attended meeting. GS of
S S Nanda, Mahavir Singh & Ratnesh Kumar
addressed the meeting and instructions
were given to all office bearers to
ensure filling of repatriation form by
all employees and officers for further
action as decided by Forum. It was
stressed that Forum will fight with full
strength for MTNL revival and to ensure
timely payment of salary and other
benefits like 3rd PRC etc. |
14-03-19 |
Proposed protest of Forum of MTNL
Unions and Association from 15th March
2019 is withdrawn after the payment of
salary on 14th March 2019 . Forum had
issued a protest notice to MTNL
management, Minister of Communication and
Secretary DOT to go on protest action
from 15th March 2019 if salary is not
paid by 14th March 2019. |
14-03-19 |
CEC Meeting of Delhi
was held on 12-03-19 in Kidwai
Bhawan which was presided over by Shri J
R Gangwar, Vice President of Delhi
Circle. Large number of office bearers
attended meeting. Circle Secretary Delhi
Shri Sunil K and General Secretary Sh V K
Tomar briefed the house about the current
issues of non payment of salary on time
and revival of MTNL. It was clearly
explained that there is threat to the
revival of MTNL and if permanent solution
of revival is not done than this
situation of non payment of salary will
become the permanent feature in MTNL
which will l put employees and their
families and great financial and mental
stress, so we have to fight with full
might for getting MTNL revive to ensure
regular salary payment and other
GS reminded the house of the
past situations where we have come out
with flying colors and achieved our all
legitimate rights because of persistent
struggle and persuasion by using all sort
of means available in trade unins,
and assured this time also we will not
leave any stone unturned to see the MTNL
to come back to good financial condition
and settlement of all legitimate rights
like 3rd PRC, pension etc. But it will be
achieved through great unity and
prolonged struggle which we have started
through the platform of united forum of
MTNL Unions and Associations of Delhi and
It was also informed that for last
two months salary was paid only after the
protest of forum and this month
also salary is going to paid only after
the notice of Forum that if salary is not
paid by 14th March than Forum will go on
protest from 15th March. But this is not
the way to run the company we have to
find a solution where salary is paid on
time with any protest.
For this Forum has decided that all
employees and Officers of Delhi and
Mumbai will write to Secretary DOT,
Minister and Prime Minister that either
you ensure regular timely payment of
salary, pay revision and other benefits
or take all of us back to DOT to keep
your assurances that after absorption
benefits of employees will be better than
govt. To decide further line of
action, Joint meeting of Forum will be
held on 14th March.
It was also explained how after
long struggle and persuasion of our
forum, revival plan was prepared and sent
to DOT by our management after board
approval. Now, Forum is doing all out
efforts to see the approval of DCC, and
will go to any any extant to ensure
revival of MTNL and legitimate rights of
employees. All employees have to be
ready for any sort of protest and
struggle to achieve our goal.
form for DoT recruited employee..
form for MTNL recruited employee..
redeployment |
08-03-19 |
Forum has served protest action notice
to CMD and Honbl'e Minister, Secy DOT for
non-payment of salary of February, 2019.
<<<letter>>> |
08-03-19 |
ED Delhi office call ACRs for looking
after promotion in the cadre of
<<<letter>>> |
01-03-19 |
Today, GS had a discussion with CMD
regarding salary payment of this month
and reply of the points sought by DCC on
MTNL revival. He informed that till date
there is no visibility of funds
availability for disbursement of
salary of this month and he is going to
meet CMD Andhra Bank today regarding
sanction of loan to MTNL. Regarding reply
of proposals of MTNL revival sought for
by DCC, he said that reply is being
prepared with the stress on the
importance of Public Sector Companies,
MTNL/BSNL in telecom industry to
avoid private monopoly which will not be
in the interest of customers and
country as a whole. Further discussion on
salary payment and MTNL revival will be
held next week and course of action will
be decided. |
28-02-19 |
ED Delhi has called CR for the look
after promotion from DM(T) to SM(T). All
eligible executives are requested to send
their CR at the earliest.
<<letter>> |
23-02-19 |
Outcome of Digital Communication Meeting
Revival of MTNL through
Introduction of Voluntary Retirement
Scheme (VRS), Refund of interest on
surrendered Broadband Wireless Access (BWA)
spectrum cost and Debt Restructuring by
monetisation of land & building
assets of MTNL.
The Commission noted that the telecom
industry is highly competitive technology
intensive and requires continuous
investment. To have a comprehensive
examination, the Commission asked for
submission of an additional note with
following information regarding
financials, time taken for turn around
and pros and cons of following options:
i ) If MTNL retains only fixed line (wireline)
business and sell/lease out mobile
(wireless) business.
ii) If MTNL sells/leases out both fixed
line and mobile business and retaining
land/building assets and pays its
employees through land/building
iii) If MTNL is provided the proposed
revival package along with 4G allocation. |
22-02-19 |
Media Report ( Times
of India) about yesterday's DCC Meeting
outcome -
20-02-19 |
to all executives of MTNL to make today's
Rally a grand grand success. Special
thanks to CHQ and circle office bearers,
Area Secretaries, Divisional Secretaries,
Area President, Divisional president and
other office bearers to mobilise to all
executives of MTNL and make
arrangements to come to the Rally point
at right time. We showed our strength to
After Massive
rally , forum representatives (Shri V K
Tomar, Shri Dharamraj Singh, and Sh
Subhash Gupta )met Secretary DoT, Smt
Aruna Sundarajan and Submitted memorandum
to her in his chamber and informed her
that ten thousand working and retired
employees and officers have come in the
form of rally to submit this memorandum
on burning issues. Forum representatives
also briefed her about the present
condition of MTNL where even salary is
being paid very late and there is
uncertainty for future and demanded
permanent solution of this situation by
taking positive decisions in tomorrows
DCC meeting on MTNL revival. All other
issues raised in memorandum were also
briefed. She gave patient hearing and
assured some positive actions and
decisions in tomorrows DCC meeting on
MTNL revival and also assured for further
discussion after DCC meeting.
For viewing
Memorandum ...........
For other photos
please click the link ---<Web_link_photo>

Media coverage
of Massive rally ...

MTNL seeks Rs
4130 crore refund, monetisation plan
Govt to discuss
BSNL, MTNL revival plan today.....
In Mumbai there was a grand demonstration
held at Prabha Devi Telephone exchange.
We will win! Hope positive outcome in
tomorrow's Digital Communication
Commission meeting.
18-02-19 |
Meeting with CMD--
representatives, Shri V K Tomar, GS/MEA,
Sh Dharamraj Singh, GS/ MTNL-MS, Shri
Mahavir Singh, President/ MTNL-MS & Sh
Sunil Kumar, CS/MEA Delhi had a meeting
with CMD and discussed all the
issues related to MTNL revival, payment
of salary,3rd PRC, 30% corpus etc in
length and expressed its strong resolute
to find the permanent solution of MTNL
revival and timely payment of salary.
Forum representatives stressed that 3rd
PRC implementation decision of MTNL
must be along with BSNL. CMD
informed that salary may be disbursed
most probably by 20th and
instructions may be issued today.
But we have conveyed strongly that Forum
struggle is not for temporary measures
but for clear decisions by govt and
management for absolute revival and
implementation/ solution of legitimate
issues of MTNL employees/officers with
timely payment of salary every month.
It has
been categorically conveyed to CMD that
our Mass rally to Sanchar Bhawan will
continue. All employees and Officers are
requested to come in 100% strength
to make Rally a grand success to give
clear message to govt that we are
not going to leave any stone unturned to
see revival of MTNL and settlement of
other issues. DOT must take positive
decisions on these issues in 21st DCC
18-02-19 |
Bullet points submitted to
Honbl'e Minister of communication Sh
Manoj Sinha Ji by Forum.
<<<letter>>> |
18-02-19 |
NCOA has given full support to 3 day
Please click the link for viewing
the letter ...
<letter> |
16-02-19 |
MTNL EA Mumbai unit's protest
programme pics ....
<picks> |
16-02-19 |
On 15th Feb,
OSD to Minister of Communication, Shri
Anand Kumar
called representatives of Forum of MTNL
Unions and Associations to discuss the
issues raised by Forum. GS, MEA, Sh V K
Tomar, GS, MTNL MS ,Sh Dharamraj Singh,
President MTNL MS, Sh Mahavir Singh and
CS, MEA, Sh Sunil Kumar attended meeting.
Non payment of salary, MTNL revival and
3rd PRC etc were discussed in details. He
informed that Govt is considering MTNL
issues seriously and salary of this month
will be paid shortly. But, we conveyed
him categorically that we are here to
find the permanent solution of MTNL
revival and other issues including
implementation of 3rd PRC and will
continue to fight till the solution.
The Representation letter is attached
please .......
Dir (HR) also had a
discussion with Forum representatives and
briefed about the salary payment status
and revival proposal sent to DoT which
will be discussed in Digital
Communication Commission on 21st Feb.
Friends, MTNL revival proposal which has
been placed in Commission meeting agenda
is the outcome of consistent struggle and
persuasion of our Forum right from MTNL
Management to DoT to Hon'ble Minister.
Now, we have to
fight to ensure decision from DCC and
Cabinet on MTNL revival, 3rd PRC and
other issues. Make 20th Feb rally a grand
success and ready for further struggle.
Forum is sincerely and honestly pursuing
all issues and committed for
permanent solution of all the problems.
Have faith and fight with full
might. We will surely succeed.
11-02-19 |
ED MUMBAI has call CR for the regular
promotion from AM(T) to DM(T). All
eligible executives are requested to send
their CR at the earliest.
<<letter>> |
08-02-19 |
COMMUNICATION regarding timely payment of
salary and other issues.
<<<letter>>> |
07-02-19 |
CMD MTNL today at 3 pm for payment
of January salary earliest. CMD
told that he is trying his level best to
pay the salary earliest and a series of
discussion is going on in DOT. Yesterday
CMD met secretary DOT in evening and gave
some proposal to pay the due amount by
DOT. Again secretary DOT called CMD in
today morning and then discussed this
issue. CMD also met Minister of
communication to clear the proposals for
early payment of salary. CMD will again
meet with secretary DOT today at 5pm . He
assured us that some decision
will definitely be taken by DOT today or
tomorrow. We told CMD that FORUM has
taken a decision to protest if decision
has not been taken by DOT/MTNL management
today to pay the salary. Be ready for
protest action. Programme will be
finalized soon. |
07-02-19 |
ED DELHI office issued Time bound
financial upgradation from E4 to E5 in
telecom cadre.
<<order>> |
06-02-19 |
Regarding long delay in disbursement of
Digital Communication Commission
( Formally known as Telecom Commission)
meeting was held but Secretary
Expenditure could not attend
meeting, so MTNL revival issue was not
discussed and deferred . Now it will be
taken up in next meeting most probably
on 19th or 20th February when Secretary
Expenditure will be present.
Regarding salary payment, detailed
discussion was held with CMD. He
informed that till date no arrangement
of fund has been made, but yesterday
he gave two proposals to Adviser ( Fin)
DoT to manage funds for MTNL salary .
He will try to meet Secy DoT today. It
may take week time for salary
disbursement probably.
Protest programme will be communicated
Regarding long delay in disbursement
of GPF amount, CMD assured to
resolve it. |
05-02-19 |
Regarding regular payment of salaries
timely MTNL EA had
a discussion with Dir (Fin) yesterday. He
informed that bank loans and dues from
BSNL are expected but not recieved yet .
CMD also went DoT yesterday evening for
managing funds. Mazdoor Sangh also talked
to minister to intervene in this matter
who assured to manage salary funds and
also arrange a meeting with Secretary for
permanant solution. Yesterday evening we
along with Mazdoor Sangh and Kamgar sangh
decided to launch agitation programme at
the earliest. Today evening after Telecom
Commission meeting, MTNL EA will discuss
with CMD and let everybody informed about
the actual position and further action.
All efforts from different platforms are
being made/planned only to see the
regular payment of salary and other
benefits. This is not the issue of one
month salary but permanent solution. Long
struggle is required for which we have
planned. Be ready. No stone will be left
unturned to ensure regular payment of
salary and othet benefits. We will update
again in the evening |
05-02-19 |
massive rally
All India Public Sector
and Central Government Officers’
V.K. Tomar is the National President of
, a joint platform of officers of all
Central Govt. establishments, Public
Sector Undertakings, Public Sector Banks
etc. organized a "Maha Morcha" at Jantar
Mantar, New Delhi on 04th
February 2019 on various issues
concerning the entire officers community
working in these sectors. The Maha Morcha
originated in the
form of a massive ‘Jatha’ from Modern
School, Barakhamba Road, Delhi, at 11
a.m. and proceeded towards Parliament
(Sansad Marg) via
Tolstoy Marg and finally culminated into
the ‘Morcha’ at Jantar Mantar, Parliament
Street. The rally / DEMONSTRATION
continued upto 4 p.m. The robust rally of
not less than 20000 members was addressed
leadership, Hon’ble Members
of Parliament, leadership of fraternal
organisations as well as leaders of
various central trade unions,
academicians, social workers,
representatives of Retirees' Association
and eminent citizens. AIPCOC was overawed
by the support that poured in from
fraternal organizations.
Press release attached as following
Photos of the rally/demonstration
<link> |
01-02-19 |
ED Delhi office issue list of the
eligible executives and CR call for the
regular promotion from AM(T) to DM(T).
<<letter>> |
by NCOA,
AIPCOC and AIBOC on 04.02.2019:
About 15,000 Officers/Executives from all
the sectors, Banking, Telecom, Oil,
Power, Insurance, Central Govt Officers
etc are expected to participate in the
The main demands are:
1. Remove affordability clause for Pay
Revision in CPSUs.
2. Wage settlement in Public Sector
3. Allot 4G spectrum to BSNL & MTNL.
4. Stoppage of all moves towards
5. Govt support for revival of CPSUs..
6. Ensure Assured Pension for all.
to secy DOT and CMD MTNL>> |
30-01-19 |
NCOA served the notice to Govt of India
to take out a rally to Prime Minister
Office on 4th February, 2019 to draw the
attention of Hon'ble Prime Minister
towards the following issues
Stoppage of all moves towards
privatization/ closure of public sector
Govt support for revival of Public
sector Undertakings
Removing affordability clause for pay
revision in PSUs
alloting 4G spectrum to BSNL and MTNL
Parity in taxation of CPSE employees
All officers of MTNL are requested to
participate in this rally with full
Rally will start at 11 am from Modern
School Barakhamba road, New Delhi to
submit memorandum to hon'ble Prime
Minister on the above issues
to cabinet secretary>> |
22-01.19 |
Sh. V.K. Tomar ,
Secretary General NCOA ( a
representative body of more than 250
CPSEs) gave notice to
CABINET SECRETARY for Rally to Prime
Minister Office on dated 4th February
2019 for grawing the attention of
Government on the significant issues of
All the MTNL
executives are requested to attend the
same in full strength.
Please click
the link for the letter ........
<notice letter>
18-01-19 |
CHQ Office Bearer’s Meeting
Meeting was held
in Room No. 555 Kidwai Bhawan, Janpath
New Delhi to discuss issues related to
MTNL revival, implementation of 3rd
PRC and organizational matters.
After detailed deliberations following
decisions were taken –
Protest Action Programme is to be
launched for MTNL revival &
implementation of 3rd PRC
along with both recognized unions of
Delhi/Mumbai and MTNLOA Mumbai. The
dates of the same will be decided
(2) MTNL
EA will participate in full strength in
Joint Protest Programme & Maharally of
NCOA/IPCOC/ AIBOC of dated 4th
February 2019 for PSU revival , removal
of Affordability condition from DPE
orders to implement 3rd PRC
and assured pension to all.
Organizational matters -- Sh. S.S.
Singh and Sh. J. L. Sarode from MTNL
Mumbai unit are nominated as AGS and Jt.
Secy in CHQ body against vacant posts.
Following Office Bearers attended the
meeting -
Sh V.K. Tomar, Sh Sunil Kumar, Sh R.S.
Sonkar, Sh Arun Dixit, Sh Satyavir Singh.
Please click here for photo of
meeting .........
18-01-19 |
Joint Meeting with MTNL Mazdoor Sangh
Delhi, MTNL Kamgar Sangh Mumbai & MTNLOA
A joint meeting
was held in T-28, Atul Grove Road New
Delhi ( MTNL MS office), which was
attended by all the CHQ office Bearers/
Circle Secretaries and other Circle
Office Bearers of Delhi/Mumbai . Issues
related to MTNL revival & implementation
of 3rd
PRC were discussed in detail and it
was decided that both the recognized
Unions & Officers/Executives Associations
of Delhi/Mumbai will launch a Trade Union
action programme to press the MTNL
Please click the
link ....
<link> |
18-01-19 |
Meeting with Director (HR)
GS along with
CHQ/Circle Office Bearers of Mumbai met
Dir (HR) and had a detailed discussion
on HR and EB issues. Various issues
related to Officers and MTNL revival were
discussed in the meeting which lasted for
two hours.
18-01-19 |
Meeting with Director ( Tech.)
GS along with
CHQ/Circle Office Bearers of Mumbai met
Dir (T) and had a discussion on service
matters related to Mumbai unit.
Various issues related to Officers and
MTNL revival were discussed in the
meeting which lasted for two hours. |
07-01-19 |
ED MTNL ND office issues Look-after
CAO list . Please click the
link for details .......
<list> |
For News
upto 31st December
2018 please click this bar